I took a walk today and walked along the construction area for the North Branch Trail extension.  It should be a nice trail.  These are pictures of the 1st phase construction.



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Some good news: Asphalt will start being put down in Lincolnwood on April 11th.

Crossing Devon will still be a problem.  The north side of the street is Lincolnwood, the south side of the street is the Chicago Dept. of Transportation, and the whole thing is under the control of the Illinois Dept. of Transportation.

The center will be cut through to make it a flat pass, and there will be a beg button - but all the beg button will get is flashing yellow lights to alert the cars on Devon about bicycles crossing.  How this will work out remains to be seen.

But at least the asphalt will be laid to extend this route up to Touhy Avenue.

Hi Bob, where does the path cross Devon?

Bob is referring to the Valley Line Trail. 

That crossing at Devon is going to be bad. I was standing there and I believe the speed limit is 30 mph, but, traffic is going well over 45 mph on the 4 lane Devon Ave.

It's a drag strip from Pulaski to Lemont along Devon.

They really need a traffic light at that trail crossing. Sadly, I wouldn't feel comfortable having the younger kids crossing that street themselves. This kind of limits the use of that trail for kids. 

Has anyone been on the North Branch Trail itself recently? Are there still stretches of the path in the woods covered with snow or ice?

Rode up to Tower Road on Monday.  All clear.

They are moving along on the trail. This was taken in Forest Glen. I didn't want to walk down the path because there was active truck traffic backing down the corridor. I'm staying out of an active construction zone.


Thanks go posting.

Good thinking Tom. You wouldn't want those Forest Glenners to 'accidentally' shoot you fer tresspassin'.

I'm not worried about the Forest Glen people. I don't think they have a problem with the bike trail. Only that little neighborhood next to the Edgebrook Golf Course are the complainers. 

I'm not walking through an active construction area. I don't want to get run over by a truck.

I may go walk it this weekend if they aren't working on the trail.

Flash Gordon didn't worry about the Forest people on Mars, either. Oops, wrong topic.

I took some more pictures this Sunday afternoon:


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