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This is my monstrously fat cat Orson, 30 pounds of feline love machine.

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Coco is half of a pair of Bengal rescues that have been gracing us with their awesome for a few years now.

Here are my two dogs.

Sam is a 10-year old Toy Fox Terrier.  We think Bailey is about 9-years old, and is some sort of Beagle/Chihuahua/Lab mix.

Leela (originally her name was Destiny) - a cat I adopted last Halloween. And, yes, I have a cluttered apartment.

Ok, this is not my pet, but it is so adorable.

Team Dream "Messin' Around" with Cache & Yeti from The Sleepers on Vimeo.

This is Sebastian or Steve or buddyroo. As you may have noticed he's collected a few name over the 8 years he's owned us. A big ol love he is and will cuddle like a lap dog. 

My old man George, preparing to nap away a cold winter afternoon.

Jake Esther Luaka Smitty Abitibi last summer.  She spent five years with owners around San Francisco before a friend of mine (who was moving to a commune and couldn't keep her) offered to fly her to Chicago.  Abi will be 12 in April.

Introducing.... Penny!!!

Penny Farthing! Duchess of The Cycle Garden.

She's only little... but here she is... looking like a garter snake...
Freshly bloated on gutter gnomes.

Here she attempts to hoist herself onto Southside Schwinny Dave's saddle.

"Let's ride!"

Could she bee one of the mysterious "seat sniffers"?
bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead) said:

Introducing.... Penny!!!

Penny Farthing! Duchess of The Cycle Garden.

She's only little... but here she is... looking like a garter snake...
Freshly bloated on gutter gnomes.

Here she attempts to hoist herself onto Southside Schwinny Dave's saddle.

"Let's ride!"

This is Bailey.


He likes playing ball, swimming in Lake Michigan, watching Star Trek and chasing squirrels.

I think he likes jazz.

He and I have the same judge of character and we like/dislike the same people.

We have a unsaid understanding.

Have you tested this same judge of character thing? I wonder if you might just be picking up on subtle clues and (perhaps subconsciously) letting the dog do the work of judging. :) 

Sounds/looks like a great dog!

Beans said:

This is Bailey.


He likes playing ball, swimming in Lake Michigan, watching Star Trek and chasing squirrels.

I think he likes jazz.

He and I have the same judge of character and we like/dislike the same people.

We have a unsaid understanding.

Yeah, that makes sense. I think that if it came down to it, I'd probably trust his judgement more than mine anyway.

I tend to function more on instinct, he usually thinks things through and pulls me away from certain danger.

If there was such a thing as a philosophical seeing eye dog, he'd be it. He's deep like that.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

Have you tested this same judge of character thing? I wonder if you might just be picking up on subtle clues and (perhaps subconsciously) letting the dog do the work of judging. :) 

Sounds/looks like a great dog!


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