Not about pedestrians, not about motorists, just about our fellow cyclists. We are all so different that stuff is bound to frustrate when we approach riding in such different ways, explain to those we think are less experienced, etc. Ok, tell us your stories, tell us your pet peeves, we're all friends! 

I'll start out with a pet peeve of mine... The cyclist that blows past me so close to me I felt the wind of their SWOOOOOSH as they fly past me but they say nothing to warn me. We're in tight quarters in the bike lane. Buy a bell and/or tell me you are there! 

p.s. sure, your pet peeve may be the forum post that's been done before but I kinda feel like this tucks into other topics so this time I'm giving the pedal pet peeve front and center.

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People are not supposed to ride in the center of the bike path, in your view?

On the lake front trail riding on the center yellow line, Nope. That is just being an ass to as many people as posible

::facepalm:: I was thinking you meant bike LANE. Thanks.

ugh. Off topic but why do people run on the middle line? So inconsiderate. 

I use a bell on the lakefront path now. Got tired of saying "on your left" too. :-)

Since moving to DC, I've seen lots of people with bells on high-end road bikes. I'm thinking of becoming one -- mainly because I go for long rides, and I don't think the length of one's ride absolves one from practicing common courtesy/safety. 

I stopped riding the Lakefront, way too crowded and dangerous! Give me the streets any day.

Kinda reminds me of this little occurrence:


My list exactly.

Waiting for the light, and then jumping the gun and crossing not realizing you could get killed because there's green arrows now and your signal is coming up next.  I've seen several riders almost get hit at Golf Road crossing north on N.Branch Trail. (Eastbound cars turning south have the green arrow.)  Sure I'll anticipate signals but only one's I'm pretty familiar with.  North Shore Channel trail is similar.

This is a good one. It's important to be very familiar with the intersection if you're going to try to get a jump on the green (which can be a safe move depending on the traffic situation behind you).

When I pass someone who I am much faster than, but when I stop at a red light, they blow it off and pass me, only to pass them again. No way to say this without overusing the word "pass."


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