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Clark said:
I'd like to encourage everyone to have a bit more respect for others' ideas. And accept the fact that NONE of us really have the answer to this very thorny problem. But we can discuss it civilly, as best we can...can't we?

Tell you what, I'll be more respectful and civil when I see responses that are researched, well thought out and make sense instead of ones that have no basis in reality. Maybe I am just a thin skinned candy ass but I take people trying to pass pure gibberish off to me as valid technical information as an insult.

Why should I respect an idea that most high school students with a basic grasp on electricity, or economics, could see is a horrible idea?
Dug, you're being a jerk.
It happens sometimes.

Kelvin Mulcky said:
Dug, you're being a jerk.
As someone who used to build solar powered cars, I fully support this retort.

I also know that it's possible to travel at highway speeds on only solar power (~1.5HP) with 2 caveats: 1) Vehicles that can accomplish such feats are not standalone vehicles (they need a team of engineers to run them); and 2) if you're in a slight traffic incident in a vehicle capable of the feat, you will be DEAD, not injured, not discombobulated with a scratch on your noggin: DEAD. I'm not talking about a collision with a semi-trailer either. A Geo Metro (aka rollerskate) will destroy any fast, roadworthy solar car out there.

S said:
jillnerkowski said:

to s, there is no one perfect solution, anymore than there is no one perfect person, and yet, we are all perfect, perfectly who we are, short fat, in good shape, or nearly shapeless, we are perfect. who could paint a perfect rose without the black holes of a japanese beetle?
what car of today is perfect, or not perfect? does it get you where you're going? then it works perfectly for its purpose. yet what car of today is perfect if a bicylist riding behind the car, is fumigated, and oil not only pollutes, and causes war, but is running out?
wouldnt then an electric car that only drives 50 miles an hour be perfect if it not only gets you where you're going, but it doesn't add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? no because even electricity comes from somewhere, and before we create a perfect vehicle we'll find something wrong with silicon, someone will get cancer and it will become expensive when it begins to run out. But then someone else will find a new material to generate solar electricity.
that's what life is! every cherry has a pit. but isnt that what a cherry is, a fruit with a pit? then its perfect.

You're badly mistaken in regards to the amount of energy you can derive from a solar panel on a car. You get about 5 kWh/day from a square meter of flat solar panels angled correctly and in the sun. A car getting 33mpg in the city uses about 1kWh per mile. So if you leave your car out in the sun all day you'll be able to drive about a five miles. This is essentially useless.


I've seen that show and I'm pretty sure somebody needs to cry and give me a hug for it to be an intervention.

H3N3 said:
Think of it as an "intervention."

notoriousDUG said:
It happens sometimes.

Kelvin Mulcky said:
Dug, you're being a jerk.
What you are looking for is called a sail. Unfortunately, you have to adjust sails so that they are facing the right direction, you can't build a static canopy that will always direct the force in the direction you want. You will also need a large counterweight at the bottom of the bike to prevent you from getting blown over (just like a boat).

jillnerkowski said:
Michael Perz said:
You must be one of the Big Oil operatives that have been working to conceal the truth about this thread. I'm on to you.

Kelvin Mulcky said:
Mods: please sink this thread and put it out of it's misery.

well it's close, Im not quite there for impossible energy machines yet, Im still working on getting across town on my bike canopy in the wind, faster than I could possibly pedal, by forcing all of the wind from every direction into forward motion of my bike canopy. Im working on a new design now, that will eliminate the sides, at least until I come up with a new framing structure for them, and have just a front , and overhead coverage, so that all the wind, goes into the canopy pushing forward, and giving me a free lift and cheap thrills, while at the same time keeping me dry, but it won't be as warm.
Kelvin Mulcky said:

Mods: please sink this thread and put it out of it's misery.


jillerkowski - please leave here and go back to where you came from.
you are barking up the wrong tree and bringing out the worst in me.
you are stubborn, arrogant, obnoxious, stupid, immature, irrational and relentless.
should I continue ? I really don't want to, but can.
I ask you one more time - go. away.
no one here wants to take this damn "provoceteur bait".
you are so dangerous with a few random statistics.

dan brown said:
Kelvin Mulcky said:

Mods: please sink this thread and put it out of it's misery.


jillerkowski - please leave here and go back to where you came from.
you are barking up the wrong tree and bringing out the worst in me.
you are stubborn, arrogant, obnoxious, stupid, immature, irrational and relentless.
should I continue ? I really don't want to, but can.
I ask you one more time - go. away.
no one here wants to take this damn "provoceteur bait".
you are so dangerous with a few random statistics.
This thread has annoyed even me to the point of not caring anymore. I know only one way to fight back at this point; LOL CATS!

I say no one post here unless it is a LOL cat.


Literally, the final word. Discussion closed.


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