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This thread has annoyed even me to the point of not caring anymore. I know only one way to fight back at this point; LOL CATS!

I say no one post here unless it is a LOL cat.

No, I meant an intervention for Jill (not to suggest that it's not always all about you . . .)
They used to do one in the 70s where they'd basically tie a person down and have a group of people stand around and insult the person until they broke down.

Ah, the 70s . . .

notoriousDUG said:

I've seen that show and I'm pretty sure somebody needs to cry and give me a hug for it to be an intervention.

H3N3 said:
Think of it as an "intervention."

notoriousDUG said:
It happens sometimes.

Kelvin Mulcky said:
Dug, you're being a jerk.
And here I thought your "you know what I love" on the other thread was directed at me.

I guess I'll have to look elsewhere for my negative attention.

dan brown said:
Kelvin Mulcky said:

Mods: please sink this thread and put it out of it's misery.


jillerkowski - please leave here and go back to where you came from.
you are barking up the wrong tree and bringing out the worst in me.
you are stubborn, arrogant, obnoxious, stupid, immature, irrational and relentless.
should I continue ? I really don't want to, but can.
I ask you one more time - go. away.
no one here wants to take this damn "provoceteur bait".
you are so dangerous with a few random statistics.

Literally, the final word. Discussion closed.


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