Help get the word out in case anyone has seen her distinctive bike. War vet, Melissa Stockwell is still hoping that someone can track down her sentimental bike.

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I know many bikes get stolen, but this one especially sucks.  Melissa is an extraordinary athlete and person, and I hope everyone keeps an eye out for this bike and it gets back to her!!!


* bump *  Wanted to help keep this visible.

Any chance we can contribute to replace that bike?  I am a fellow ex-soldier and would like to help Melissa, who is a hero in so many ways.  Let me know how we can contribute.

I've always wondered about the community coming together to do things like this.  It has happened with medical bills before.  Someone could set up a wepay, indiegogo or something else to collectively raise the money for a new bike. 

A few years back someone stole a tandem used for a blind cyclist and his stoker partner.

Ikram Bokhari said:

Any chance we can contribute to replace that bike?  I am a fellow ex-soldier and would like to help Melissa, who is a hero in so many ways.  Let me know how we can contribute.

Also, anyone attending the next SWAP(stealing)-O-RAMA Look Out! Please be on the lookout for Melissa's bike. Thanks!

I regret every bike that gets stolen, and I generally read accounts about a thousand or so of them each year.

Before everyone starts to take up a collection for Melissa, you should at least consider the possibility that a decorated veteran and paralympian probably didn't have to reach into her pocket to acquire this bike, nor will she have to reach into her pocket to replace it. Her comments focused on the bike's sentimental (not pecuniary) value.

I consider it much more heartbreaking to read accounts of people who have their bike stolen, and can no longer get to their job.

What is the description of the bike...when and where?  Is the picture below the bike?


I saw a woman(~28) riding a road bike with a blue front and red rear tire about 5pm 10/2/14 going westbound in the vicinity of west town bikes. I attempted to catch up and view the bike but she was flying and cut into a northbound side street. This is in the nearby area where the theft occurred. I hope no one would buy a bike (Nancy, it was a TREK road bike, blk&wht
frame) from some thief telling a lame story about how he has to sell it. Anyways, still keep a lookout.
Anyone know if there has been any update to this story? Was the bike found or replaced?
Hey Luke, sorry, i've not heard of any positive news regarding Melissa's training bike. I don't think Melissa is a Chainlink member so I can't contact her to ask. She lives in UK village area, so if we see her at the Mariano's on Damen & Chicago Ave. we will ask her about it. She's not riding a bike right now because she's pregnant, so we will see what we can do to help next year. Thanks for asking !

Thanks, Tom!


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