I have been having some back issues this past week, so I have been looking into getting a set of panniers to replace my backpack. I have been looking at the Ortlieb Back-Roller Classic and the Ortlieb Back-Roller Plus panniers. Does anyone have any experience with these? Does the Plus offer any advantage over the Classic or is it not worth the extra price? Thanks!

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If you like the lighter materials, spend the extra $ and get the plus. Otherwise, the classic is very capable and that's reason why it's quite popular.

I like that the Pluses look nicer, but they will inevitably get dirty from rain/snow/etc, and the Classics seem easier to clean. How do you handle organization, since the panniers are basically one giant pocket? I plan on using them for commuting and the occasional grocery trip, so I'll need to fit my clothes, laptop, and flat-fix tools in there. I'm guessing all that can fit in just one pannier, plus the second one for groceries?

Yes, just one big bucket in there but there's a zippered mesh liner in there to put your wallet, lights, keys, etc. for easy reach.

Also there's a longer pocket behind that that covers the hard plastic for the back that I use to store my ipad and the pouch that I put my tools in.

Everything else, I just dump in there. I use a sleeve for laptop, though, as to not get too banged up.

Adam Herstein (5.5 mi) said:

I like that the Pluses look nicer, but they will inevitably get dirty from rain/snow/etc; the Classics seem easier to clean. How do you handle organization, since the panniers are basically one giant pocket? I plan on using them for commuting, so I'll need to fit my clothes, laptop, and flat-fix tools in there. I'm guessing all that can fit in just one pannier?

Yeah, I figured I would buy a sleeve for my laptop.

J.A.W. 15.08 km said:

I use a sleeve for laptop, though, as to not get too banged up.

It all fits unless your work requires you to dress up as the San Diego Chicken.  Then you will need to use both panniers.


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