Hey Chainlinkers, we just received this and wanted to pass it on to the community in case anyone is interested in testing this out.

Active Trans

Instructions/notes from RidetheCity.com


Thanks for offering to help us test the new version of Ride the City for Chicago. We're especially looking forward to your route suggestions. The best way to provide feedback is to use the feedback form integrated into the site. It allows us to review the route that was generated along with your comments. You may also email us at info@ridethecity.com with your suggestions.

Known issues we are working on:
- There are some connectivity issues with the upper/lower roadway sections north of the Loop e.g. Upper/Lower Wacker Drive. If you find a route that impossibly switches you from an upper roadway to a lower roadway in one step, let us know. The first and last steps of some routes may give you unexpected results

- We're working through some bugs in Internet Explorer. Safari, Firefox and Chrome should be fairly stable.

- We have not yet uploaded bike shops and bike rental facilities for Chicago, but we will add them shortly. Please remember that this is an experimental version of Ride the City and still undergoing development. Please excuse the occasional uncaught error as we continue to refine the interface, performance, and features.

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I got a message that it only works in NYC
Message: Could not find route. Please check start/end points. (Ride the City is currently available only in New York City. Email info@ridethecity.com to inquire about bringing RTC to your city.)
Our fault, forgot to include the test link...just added it to the original discussion, sorry.
Interesting, and kudos to the site builders. I put in a couple start/end points I travel between, and it recommended my regular routes. This shows promise.
Hey M.A.R.K. (and all Chainlinkers),

Currently Ride the City is only within the Chicago city limits. We just received GIS data from one suburban Chicago county and hope to be able to make Ride the City a resource for all of Chicagoland in the near future.

Hi h3,

I think you may be using the production version of Ride the City that only works for NYC (although it will happily geocode any address you give it!). Make sure you are going to the alpha Chicago site: http://geos.ridethecity.com/chicago

Let me know if that doesn't work for you.


p.s. Ride the City is here to stay for a good long while...
I like it ok, but I'd prefer if it would highlight the route as well as giving the direction so you could easily see the path. Until then, I'll probably still use google maps.
This route planner is trying to lure me onto Western for long stretches, so I must conclude it would rather see me suffer... I did send feedback to the creators. ;-)
I plotted coordinates out to Columbus Park in Austin from Lincoln Square. The most direct route took me down Western and out along Lake and Congress Pkwy - definitely not the safest and labeled as such. The safe and safer routes took me down California, along Armitage and jog down Kostner and Augusta before going to Central. Quite a difference and great to have the option.
Interesting. I put in my normal commute, and all three options were not ones that I would ride, knowing the streets first hand.
That's exactly what it did for me: mapped it out on the map & changed it as I made different selections.

BK said:
I agree. I like the route it selects but I really want to see it highlighted on the map too. I like the precise distance calculation and the time estimates as well.

Ashley said:
I like it ok, but I'd prefer if it would highlight the route as well as giving the direction so you could easily see the path. Until then, I'll probably still use google maps.
I just re-did it and it is now showing the route also, they must have just upgraded it or it wasn't showing up on my work browser

Homebuilt said:
That's exactly what it did for me: mapped it out on the map & changed it as I made different selections.

BK said:
I agree. I like the route it selects but I really want to see it highlighted on the map too. I like the precise distance calculation and the time estimates as well.

Ashley said:
I like it ok, but I'd prefer if it would highlight the route as well as giving the direction so you could easily see the path. Until then, I'll probably still use google maps.


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