Is there help to be found from City of Chicago in addressing road hazards to cyclists and peds? (was "Water Crews...", "Open Letter...")


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Dear Rahm, Dear Jason,

On the evening of Tuesday November 8 2011 I observed that there had been digging at the intersection of W. 24th Street and S. Rockwell and plates had been put down, but apparently the crew did not have large enough plates to cover the hole.

Disappointingly, they left a gap between the plates about 5" wide, as seen in this image taken tonight:

I called this in to 311 and asked them to mark it "urgent."

On  November 11 I passed the spot and noticed nothing had changed, and  placed a second 311 request.

On November 15 I called the 28th Ward Streets and Sanitation office, and Eileen was nice enough to call me back a few hours later when she returned to the office. I explained the situation and lack of follow-up to her and hoped that she would be able to get the problem rectified.

This evening, November 17, I again noted nothing had changed. As I stopped to photograph the problem another man on a bicycle rode up and told me that he had called 311 about this problem as well.

Per a 311 supervisor, all requests are still marked as "open."


To Rahm: I understand that you are trying to increase the efficiency of infrastructure repairs and improvements, but assuming that this is the handiwork of independent contractors, it is clear that basic public safety considerations are not being observed.


To Jason:

I find it surprising that a call to your streets and sanitation office regarding a hazard such as this would not be met with a timely response.  My previous experience with this office under your predecessor was actually quite exemplary.



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When I saw the picture my reaction was Oh My God!  and I usually use gosh in this situation.  Keep us posted.  Is that a street light there, or just your flash?  I would flip out to come across something like this in the dark.  I thought the situation on Lincoln, where a good 30 feet of road (where the bike lane is) has been dug up leaving the grooved service was bad....

Wow. That is a disaster waiting to happen. I'll put a call in to 311 tomorrow. There's one under the Bloomingdale viaduct on Milwaukee that needs some attention too so I'll kill two bird with one pestering phone call.

What did you except from this dummy Mayor?

You may disagree with statements that he's made or policies that he has attempted to implement, or has implemented, but "dummy" is probably as inaccurate an adjective as you could have chosen.

Robert Beck said:

What did you except from this dummy Mayor?


Kevin C said:

You may disagree with statements that he's made or policies that he has attempted to implement, or has implemented, but "dummy" is probably as inaccurate an adjective as you could have chosen.

Robert Beck said:

What did you except from this dummy Mayor?

It's disturbing and unacceptable that they've left such a hazardous gap.  Any update today?

Howard, were the plates anchored? Plates can be anchored in two ways (in my observations): with asphalt around the plate edges, or with large bolts. 

I've noticed that plates to cover up potholes are rarely anchored, but plates as part of utility relocation or "tapping" are anchored. 


The photo below shows how a metal plate has moved 6 feet. It used to be covering the pothole; this is at Milwaukee under the Bloomingdale Trail, near Leavitt:

Moving metal monsters



Regardless of your feelings on the mayor statements like this are an automatic loss when it comes to debate.

Kevin C said:

You may disagree with statements that he's made or policies that he has attempted to implement, or has implemented, but "dummy" is probably as inaccurate an adjective as you could have chosen.

Robert Beck said:

What did you except from this dummy Mayor?

Good job and keeping up in that, it is a horribly dangerous situation for not just bikes but, at that width, motorcycles as well.


When I see holes or gaps like that which are not easy to spot while riding I will try and mark or block them with something I can find in the area such as a saw-horse or cone (they are often near plates like that), lacking either of those I will use debris or garbage cans.


I try to stay away from/off steel plates in general because they are dangerous in general, especially in wet conditions.

I threw a link to this thread to Charlie Short with CDOT/Active Trans.  He suggests to report through a link, but I am not sure what option at the link to choose!  Your thoughts as to the correct option on the link?  Here is his reply/suggestion...


1. Contact the Alderman's office; early and often. I would call once and give details and then leave messages every night
2. Use this link to report to CDOT, as the work may be supervised by us.
Good luck.
Charlie Short
Program Manager
CDOT Bike Safety and Education
P - 312.744.8147
C - 773.720.0097

I would click on "Pothole on Street" That will get to the right folks. This may be streets and san work, but CDOT's reporting mechanisms are pretty good.


You could also shoot an email to the mayors office. I'd have to dig to find a link, but they are very good about distributing information quickly.

Thanks Charlie!  They request a street address and when I put in W. 24th Street and S. Rockwell, the site says it is not a valid address. 


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