N.S.C.M. Presents ! A bid farewell to Jason a northside rider. Theme New ~ Orleans

Hey all! Just a reminder. We have critical mass this Friday...6:30 mass up, 7 - take off! Meet up where Peterson, Ridge, and Clark meet up. Explore neighborhoods you rarely make it to on the downtown Chicago Critical Mass. Bring your best friend. Bring your mom. Bring your boss. Bring your co-worker who has never even taken public transit to work, let alone rode a bike. This is going to be great. Haul your trailer up north, and get ready for fun. The theme is New Orleans as we say goodbye to northside rider Jason. Bring your beads. Whoot! Whoot! We're going to have some fun! Heeeeeeyyyy yeah!

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I'm in and I'm bringin my titties! ;-)
what direction are ya'll headin?
I love that Menu! !!:-)
We may have a guess visitor come . :-)
As long as you show up ! !!

M.A.R.K. said:
While I will try to show up this month, I can't guarantee I will have pants on.
well, if Gabe's in, I'll see if I can get Jera to come out with me!

Gabe said:
I'm in and I'm bringin my titties! ;-)
Hey gUYS & dOLLS; It would be great if we could get a R.S.V.P in. Please! I'm working on a couple of deals & the owners would like a body count. Thanks For Everything Tony p.s. be-safe
This is Jason! He had drew this ! !! Bring your beads & whatever else that you may think of !! WOOT! Woot! !!
I would love to come and wish Jason farewell. However, getting hit by a car monday means I'm off the bike for a bit. Make sure you give Jason the proper send off. No beads unless he shows you the goods.
I agree with you! You should contact Roofis. that's his name on here. I know that he will be on the ride with his new trailer. Maybe you can hit him up an e-mail. He's on my friends list also.
Yes folks,
There is a Chicago beyond the corners of Damen, North, and Milwaukee! The city extends and is even interesting well beyond the reaches of Wicker Park! Yeay! Now we have something to live for! You mean there are bars, and night life that doesn't require frat boys every time? You mean there's shopping and art, but no one will throw up on your shoes while you're enjoying it? Wow! Come one, come all! Northside Critical Mass, this Friday! Bring that frat boy vomiting on the corner. Come explore a new neighborhood...within the city limits! This is your big chance. We take off on Friday at 7pm. Get there at 6:30. The theme is New Orleans as one of our own will be moving yonder. AND...here's the real draw. The Cycling Sister's Women's Full Moon mass will be joining us as bikers unite in solidarity for bigger numbers that will take the North Side by storm. Bring your beads, bring some good New Orleans zydeco music! Come
dance...I mean bike with me...heck! Come dance and bike with me. See you all there!


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