Story from streetblogs about NY cyclist getting killed and driver getting off.

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Unbelievable.  Prosecutors should begin testing prospective jurors for anti-cyclist bias during voir dire, as a result of this case.
No penalty for NY driver speeding killing a cyclist. Very sad.
“What you see is, anti-cycling bias starts with cops, is reinforced by the media, and is perpetuated in the courts.” -- Bob Mionske, an attorney who writes the “Road Rights” column for Bicycling Magazine.

Hmmm.  I hate D-Bag reckless drivers with suspended licenses.  Nevertheless:

  • Driving on suspended license = Bad Driver.
  • Seen to have been speeding and running lights before incident = Bad Driver.
  • Physical evidence that he did NOT run the red at the intersection where the incident occurred would indicate that the cyclist DID run the light. = Bad (and dead) Cyclist.


If that is the case, I don't see how a jury could convict for manslaughter if the 'victim' was primarily at fault by running the light.


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