This week Vote With Your feet takes a look back in amusement at some of the
wild, wacky and wonderful people, places and things encountered during long
walks down the entire lengths of Chicago streets.

Keep on walking, biking and transit-ing,

John Greenfield

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Hey John,
I loved this line from the Time Out version "Despite the heaping side of stink eye, the salmon croquettes were scrumptious".

And it used to live on the southside, over der by Kedzie and that hotdog always cracked us up. Thanks for sharing your view of the city with us!
Well, Time Out edited the piece to play up the fish-out-of water aspects. That waitress wasn't
actually mean, just slightly chilly, and the guys at the Middle Eastern social club were actually
very polite. The kid in Englewood didn't spit at me, just near my feet.

Glad you liked the article.


John Greenfield

y a j said:
Hey John,
I loved this line from the Time Out version "Despite the heaping side of stink eye, the salmon croquettes were scrumptious".

And it used to live on the southside, over der by Kedzie and that hotdog always cracked us up. Thanks for sharing your view of the city with us!
The whole length of Western Ave? 24+ miles of walking, wow.
Well, I did Western over two days, back in '99.
Time Out's Ruth Welte recently did it in one.


Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
The whole length of Western Ave? 24+ miles of walking, wow.


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