We had a great time last month! We've been honnored to have Todd & his gGGGRRreat Tunes with all of us. We had a pretty good size of people. This Friday it's going to happen again ! ! I would love to have a hugo mass rep. the N.S.C.M... I will say 1 thing that this ride this Friday will be 1 that you yes you can tell your grandkids ! !! So if you want to talk about something interesting to them be there or ba sq.

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It had better live up to the hype. That's all I'm saying.
Fireworks, surprise celebrity guests, unseasonably warm weather and complimentary food & beverages at the destination. That's what I've heard on the street.
Hey John; All I have to say is WHAT STREET CORNER did you hear that ? ? ? But I like it... Hey did you hear anything about a KEG OF BEER being there! ! !
Hey anybody have a trailer with some good tunes. The North ~ Side Critical Mass Group would like them to come & join us in this GGGgreAATT festivities
Hey John; do you have the Keg. Well I got the trailer!
Check with Ryan - he was appointed as keg man by the committee during last month's ride.
John said:
Check with Ryan - he was appointed as keg man by the committee during last month's ride.
Hey John; I didn't know that we had a broad ! ! !
LOL I was?!?! I guess I wasn't at this meeting.

John said:
Check with Ryan - he was appointed as keg man by the committee during last month's ride.
A broad meeting? Is that anything like a board meeting? :)

buddaa38 said:
John said:
Check with Ryan - he was appointed as keg man by the committee during last month's ride.
Hey John; I didn't know that we had a broad ! ! !
Sounds much better to me ;-)
It's eerily similar; but a BROAD meeting involves a helluva lot more flesh and ample use of the wah-wah pedal.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
A broad meeting? Is that anything like a board meeting? :)

buddaa38 said:
John said:
Check with Ryan - he was appointed as keg man by the committee during last month's ride.
Hey John; I didn't know that we had a broad ! ! !
Bow-chica-wow-wow to that!

justJason said:
It's eerily similar; but a BROAD meeting involves a helluva lot more flesh and ample use of the wah-wah pedal.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
A broad meeting? Is that anything like a board meeting? :)

buddaa38 said:
John said:
Check with Ryan - he was appointed as keg man by the committee during last month's ride.
Hey John; I didn't know that we had a broad ! ! !


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