Holy cow - has it been a year since I made the 2012 thread?! Indeed, it has!

Based on the calendar event, it looks like a good amount of people have RSVPd to ride. Even if you haven't, and were looking for some people to ride with, post in this thread.

Which distance will you be riding? And, at which pace are you planning to ride?

I'll be riding the classic century @ a somewhat comfortable pace. After starting this cycling season well, my conditioning is questionable as I have only been on the bike a handful of times since June. Yikes. I'm looking for some people who might want to ride between 13-15 mph average.

The forecast is shaping up to look like it's going to be a great day for riding! I'm sure people remember the weirdo weather last year - much cooler. I remember waking up and heading out @ 5:15AM and it being 39 degrees!

Who's in?

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good one. she is actually from Evanston (all the Robinson girls are; including Mrs. Robinson (there mom)).

Betsy met Riccardo (who was a visiting Economics professor from the University of Bologna) at MIT. She was swept off her feet and then he swept her over across the wide Atlantic to Tuscany...

Skip Montanaro 12mi said:

dan brown said:

[Peggy's] sister Betsy from Italy is presumeably doing the 100 also.

That's not a very Italian sounding name... :-)

Will she be able to tolerate our lack of hills?

I ride tubulars almost exclusively, flats require a different strategy but they will not ruin your whole ride. 

I take several precautions and have a system of back ups

1) I mount all my road tubulars with Tufo tape, and put 20-25ml of calfee liquid latex sealant, with a half tablespoon of glitter in each tire every 2 months

2) I carry a can of calfee expresso sealant, it seals most flats the liquid latex cannot

3) I have a spare tire mounted to the bottom of my saddle as a final resort. and in my jersey pocket I carry the step 2 can of sealant, a mini tool and a roll of the Tufo tape with 2 co2 carts, this all fits in a small case about that I repurposed from a pair of sun glasses.

This set up has never left me stranded in the 3-4 yrs I have been using it

I will be riding my tri color Colnago , the plan is for several of my friends to meet up at the reg table at 7, I would say our pace will mostly be between 18-24, Hope to see you out there, this is my first century attempt this season. 2 knee surgeries have put a kink in year.

kiltedcelt said:

I'd strongly caution against riding a bike with tubulars on a ride of this distance. Repairing a flat is going to be next to impossible and though they provide some mechanical support they're not going to have wheels to swap out when you get a flat.

All my candidate bikes have tubulars. Aside from my current commuter bike and an old Schwinn Speedster, neither of which is a candidate for a ride of this distance, that's all I have. Plenty of vintage bike weirdos like me ride tubulars. I rode the Dairyland Dare on them the past two years with no problems. I rode last years NSC on them as well. I'll carry a couple spares. If worse comes to worst, I'll just hitch a ride back to base camp with a sag wagon.

Had a big plate of pasta, but could not finish it, as usual.  The bagel and cream cheese at the start will be good! :-)  See you all tomorrow.

MikeF said:

Carbo loading right now :)

Chainlink will have a table, and I will be there after I finish.  Stop by.

Lisa, How far are you planning on riding?

62 unless I get really ambitious and try the 70!  I am hoping to be rolling by 6:30, so you will be passing me fairly quickly, I am sure.

Michael A said:

Lisa, How far are you planning on riding?

You will prolly have an hour start on me, so maybe I will see ya mid ride, I am not sure how often the routes over lap

that was a great ride,

It was a good day!  Love that ride with the good stops, and the Evanston Bike Club volunteers are the best.  You all must have left early or none of you saw me when you passed me because you were going so fast.  Did not get started until 6:47 according to the computer. :-)


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