I figured that I would start a thread to see if we could get some sort of chainlink group to ride together. My plan is to ride at a fairly casual pace and enjoy myself, so I'm looking for others to do the same. And, as many people know, the ride is much more enjoyable and goes by faster when you're in good company. I know I already asked James, but who else would be down for this? And, what time would you all plan on meeting?

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I'm a big fan of Patagonia recycled polyester.  I'll start out (at 4:30 on my way to Evanston) with a Capilene 2 long-sleeved 1/4 zip, then a fleece 1/4 zip, then a lightweight windbreaker.  I expect to lose the fleece once the sun comes up.  I'll also take a lightweight (Patagonia "R1") vest.  If it stays sunny and gets warmer than expected, the Capilene will do.  The vest and jacket for warmth as needed.  The Capilene is a wicking material, and all the layers zip for regulating heat release.

Lisa Curcio said:

Suggestions welcome--I am still trying to get this layering thing figured out!
Jim S said:

Yep, it looks like the forecast took a dip. It's going to be a chilly morning start! I'm trying to figure out how to carry layer(s) for when it warms up to 60.

But where do you stash it? I don't want to ride with a rack and pannier as I usually do.

I'll ride with a rack and pannier ... but I take your point (at least so far as the weight and wind resistance of the pannier).  A possible compromise would be to use the rack and put the clothing in a stuff sack lashed to it.

I like silk.  arm warmers or leg warmers are great too.  

A smallish rack trunk bag could work, too - adds minimal weight and wind resistance.

David Holmquist said:

I'll ride with a rack and pannier ... but I take your point (at least so far as the weight and wind resistance of the pannier).  A possible compromise would be to use the rack and put the clothing in a stuff sack lashed to it.

Everything I take on a ride, including my tools, spare tube, rain/cold-weather gear, snacks, water, shoe-covers, maps, ect...  Everything goes in either my collapsible saddle-bag or my handlebar bag.   Everything that I need without stopping or getting off the bike goes in front.   Stuff like tools and tubes (or my lock) -stuff that I don't need to access from in the saddle, goes in back.

Back-racks and panniers are for camping, multi-day trips, errand-running  or perhaps commuting.

One long one-day rides they really just add weight and aren't very handy IMHO.  I've got enough weight over my rear tire already due to my fat ass.   I like putting stuff directly over the front wheel and where I can access it without even getting out of the saddle 

So ... getting back to the original point of this thread if I may. Anybody want to join me for the metric at a <15 mph pace, setting out at 6:30? If so, where shall we meet?

I'm riding with KiltedCelt, and I'll likely be the only one in the group crazy enough to he doing the full century on a fixed-gear. I was looking forward to not using my backpack, but I don't own a rack/panniers and I'll have clothing to shed. Lame.

I'll be riding with Jim S. and anyone who wants to ride a <15 pace at first at around the same time.   I really want to get as early a start as possible in case I need to daddle & laze later on.  I did 1/3-century yesterday and coming back into the wind made it feel like I was on the tail-end of a double-century.

Agreed. My commute is Rogers Park to Northbrook and back every day. The wind last night was brutal. I just pretended I was leading a breakaway on Alpe D'Huez and kept pushing harder with commentary from Ligget and Sherman in my head.

I was in the drops and hammering on it HARD and the cyclocomputer was telling me I wasn't even maintaining 14MPH.   It felt like I was going 22+ when I closed my eyes. 

What a rush!

I averaged 13.2MPH over my 14 mile commute, and actually got up to 25.4mph at one point. All fixed gear with a 48/17 ratio.


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