I figured that I would start a thread to see if we could get some sort of chainlink group to ride together. My plan is to ride at a fairly casual pace and enjoy myself, so I'm looking for others to do the same. And, as many people know, the ride is much more enjoyable and goes by faster when you're in good company. I know I already asked James, but who else would be down for this? And, what time would you all plan on meeting?

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I like the casual pace idea.

My wife and I plan on getting to the start area as soon as the registration/sign-in opens.  I think that is at Oh-Dark-Thirty or something like that.  6AM?  And getting an early start so that she (and I) have enough time to complete our respective routes at a casual pace -even with some longer stops at the SAG stops if necessary.   She's doing the 50 and I'm doing the 100.

I know that I can only do about 50 miles at a 14-15MPH (average moving) pace without stopping.  That's more like 17-19MPH between intersections/crossings or other slow-down areas.  And with maybe a few 20+ sprints here and there.    At that point, after 50 miles I'm pretty well shot and need a few hours to recuperate before getting on a bike again.     I'm pretty sure if I can not do that pace for 100 miles.  And stopping in the middle for 3 hours isn't' really an option unless I just can't go on. 

I plan on riding about a 12-13MPH average moving pace (14-16MPH cruising speeds with maybe a few faster bits on downhills) for the first 50 miles.  At that point I will decide if I can speed it up a little, keep that pace, or maybe slow it down.   These numbers are based on my riding alone speeds and not with a group.   if there is a chance to share drafting with other riders I can add a few MPH to those numbers without increasing effort.  Also, it might be that the route minimizes slow-down areas and stops so that momentum is better conserved so that average moving pace is closer to cruising speeds.  

The last time I rode with Jim S. was the 3-Floyds ride this spring.  That ride started out at about 18-20MPH and while we slowed the leader down a few times it kept creeping up to 18+ cruising speeds most of the time.  That was much too quick, IMHO, for a ride of that length (like what, just a little over 60-ish miles overall?)   I was one tired puppy at the end of that although I'm in much better shape now than I was at the time.   I don't want to run out of gas before I hit the 100-mile endpoint. 

I was planning to go with a group, but there is a chance they might bail or if they don't they might be going at too fast a pace for me.

Ok, it sounds like we have some good dialogue here. I have no problem meeting @ 6:30 or so; it's probably my preferred starting time.

Yeah, I definitely want to keep it fun and casual. I rode the zoo century (actually, 200K) in July and made the huge mistake of trying to ride with the fast group. After 50 miles @ 20-21 mph, my body was toast and I had to straight up struggle for the next 70 miles. It was all my fault for being over-zealous, and the ride was not as fun as it could have been.

Besides, I've got this new-to-me touring bike that rides like a benz and isn't built for speed :) 

Sounds like my kind of pace (13-14 mph or so). Please count me in! I'll probably go for the metric. 6:30 would be great.

From what I've heard, each course for the Northshore is fairly different on each distance ride with little overlap between them -even almost from the very start.   If someone wants to ride with someone else they better be signed up for the same distance as they will go their separate ways quite early on.  

I'm in for sure.  I'll be rolling at a nice 13.5-15mph pace so it may take a while ;) Will try to start at 6... Anyone do this last year?  I'd like to get at least an idea of the course before hand. 

I did the 100 last year in the chilly rain. Started on the lakefront at the Northwestern campus, up through the million-dollar mansions in Glenview and vicinity, out into the cornfields. The halfway point was in Kenosha (took a spin on the velodrome there) and back more-or-less along the lakefront, past the air station and Baha'i Temple. Would have been really scenic if I could have seen through the rain on my glasses. From my limited experience, seemed like a very well-organized ride. Some of the road surfaces were rough. (Here's my blog entry: http://goo.gl/S5hs1)

50missioncap said:

I'm in for sure.  I'll be rolling at a nice 13.5-15mph pace so it may take a while ;) Will try to start at 6... Anyone do this last year?  I'd like to get at least an idea of the course before hand. 

I'm in too.  

Very cool Dave.  Thanks for sharing. 

I'll be doing this as well, however, I am probably going to do a bit brisker pace.  I've been doing 75-80 mile rides averaging around 15 MPH so that is where I'll try to stick.  

I can tell you from experience that it's a LOT easier said than done to get route marking 100% perfect.  The traditional century route has a lot of beautiful scenery and it's fairly flat.

Michael B said:

I'll be there. As far as centuries go it's one of the easier ones. They could mark the routes on the pavement better but that's a very small complaint. I'm looking forward to seeing ya'll. Julie can I draft off you?

funny.  If Trek is demoing their latest and greatest, than yes. 

Michael B said:

I'll be there. As far as centuries go it's one of the easier ones. They could mark the routes on the pavement better but that's a very small complaint. I'm looking forward to seeing ya'll. Julie can I draft off you?


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