I've been hearing rumors that North Avenue Beach was closed do to out of control thugs  and gangbangers groping and assaulting people, not due to heat, as has been widely reported.  Rumors of cyclists knocked from their bikes... I know a few cyclists were picked up and dropped in the lake by some thugs early last month. The sources are somewhat suspect, but I wanted to know if anyone had heard or experienced anything.  Generally my least favorite part of the trail, but I'm debating whether to avoid it completely this summer. As the CPD is undergoing regime change, we should be diligent about reporting incidents like this, even if front-line CPD staff are dismissive... so that resources get allotted appropriately.

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Yes, the force is still down due to retirements and minimal hiring.  Rahm's "more cops on the street" is a smokescreen.  Some officers have been shifted from inside positions to street details.  In other cases, officers who were technically already "on the street" in special units have been reallocated.  This is mostly about operational changes, not an increase in the total number of officers.

For several years, academy classes were minimal or non-existent, presumably due to budget constraints.  In the last year, a small number of new officers have completed training at the academy, and more are in training now, but that won't make up for retirements.  Those retirement numbers have gotten no publicity, but they will continue to have an effect on the overall picture.

We'll see how it plays out over the summer.  Unless there's a significant improvement in the economy, it may be a tough summer.

h' said:

Would be interested to hear about police force staffing, if anyone here has any 'connections'-- is the force still down by ~1/3? If so is that due to lack of qualified applicants, budget shortfalls . . .?

Is there evidence that the force is working better, i.e. more cops on the street, better muscle-to-fat ratio, due to Rahm's changes or otherwise?

Welcome to Shitcago!

Oh no! Trouble?!? Hmmmm... Something about that... What was that?

What was it I saw a mere few weeks ago? He said, scratching his monstrous cranium...

Oh yeah!...

Too bad the sea-to-shining-sea of crime-fightin' professionals we witnessed at the NATO Summit must have worn themselves out on the wiley and pernicious quarry of 35 or so glazed hopheads.

Sorry peons! Priorities!!! Go about your business.

Or? Hey!!.. Get associated with our most-important bi-partisan approved export: The military-industrial complex! 150 countries and counting... Then, maybe some of that sweet, sweet spare-no-expense, top-notch, made-for-TV type of law enforcement professionalism in the face of thuggery can be yours!!!... Just like NATO!!

Some things get big results!


I agree. Several occasions that I have seen CPD in action helping us cyclists.

Anne Alt said:

I'm sure they'd appreciate the thanks. This could be a tough summer.

Julie Hochstadter said:

sounds like we need to thank cpd. Overall they are helping us stay safe on our bikes. Good neighbor award?


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