I've been hearing rumors that North Avenue Beach was closed do to out of control thugs  and gangbangers groping and assaulting people, not due to heat, as has been widely reported.  Rumors of cyclists knocked from their bikes... I know a few cyclists were picked up and dropped in the lake by some thugs early last month. The sources are somewhat suspect, but I wanted to know if anyone had heard or experienced anything.  Generally my least favorite part of the trail, but I'm debating whether to avoid it completely this summer. As the CPD is undergoing regime change, we should be diligent about reporting incidents like this, even if front-line CPD staff are dismissive... so that resources get allotted appropriately.

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“My wife is out here running a couple of times a week. I don’t worry about it,” Pruitt said. “Once every 10 years – I’m not going to worry about that.”


One attack every 10 years . . . thanks for the hard statistics, Mr. Pruitt, very comforting.

Shay said:

Great.  New reason to be wary of the Lake Front Path.  And this happened in the middle of the afternoon, no less!


Be careful out there, guys.  

I was surprised it's been almost a week since that assault by 35th and the police are finally issuing a warning now. Seriously?


I suppose it only happened once or they would have for sure put out a warning sooner, at least I hope.



911 calls give more of a picture of what happened the day they closed North Avenue Beach.

Emmanuel and McCarthy lied like rugs.



most news channels ran that last night. i think we all already knew the real facts.

H3N3 said:


911 calls give more of a picture of what happened the day they closed North Avenue Beach.

Emmanuel and McCarthy lied like rugs.



NBC news ran a story yesterday, including a interview with one of the 911 callers from the Memorial Day violence.

Yesterday between 4:45 - 5:15 I was heading North past Oak Street Beach.  There were about 8 bicycle officers on the side of the path with two youths sitting about 10 yards apart.  Both were being questioned and one was in cuffs.  There was also a police SUV that had pulled over at that spot on LSD.

That's all I know.



The problem is back - in huge numbers. Got info this morning from an officer in the 18th district (which includes the Mag Mile and the lakefront from Fullerton down to the river) that all hell was breaking loose there yesterday - mobs of thugs all along the lakefront, especially from the Oak St. curve down to the river.

I also heard that mobs on Michigan Ave. were knocking some of the naked riders off their bikes.  To all of you who went, are you okay?

With the hot weather today, it's likely to be ugly out there again. 

We rode home along the lake front path from Oak St north last night around 10pm.  There was a huge police presence though no roving thugs.  They might have dispersed earlier.

Gotta love summer

Katie and I saw some cops, white shirts too, giving some young youts a talking too and an ear full of 'get the hell back' = we were super happy to see this - GO CPD!

I was at the front and when we hit the mag mile about 20 people rushed across the street and started pulling on some of the riders we yelled t them to stop and they mostly did.CPD was also just pulling up at that time.

sounds like we need to thank cpd. Overall they are helping us stay safe on our bikes. Good neighbor award?

I'm sure they'd appreciate the thanks. This could be a tough summer.

Julie Hochstadter said:

sounds like we need to thank cpd. Overall they are helping us stay safe on our bikes. Good neighbor award?


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