I know that the Chicago Triathlon is under way this morning.

It is an amazing sight to see the triathlon cyclists going down the left lanes of the drive with the usual traffic flying by on their right.

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"At 7:26 a.m., the 20-year-old woman drove around cones separating lanes for bicyclists participating in the triathlon in the 3700 block of North Lake Shore Drive, according to Chicago Police.

Her vehicle struck two bicyclists, a 38-year-old man and a 28-year-old woman, police said.

The man suffered shoulder and head injuries; and the woman suffered head, neck and shoulder injuries, police said. Both were taken to Illinois Masonic Medical Center, where their conditions stabilized."

I wish them both a speedy recovery. I've done Chicago twice and it is freaky on the bike portion on LSD with those cars zipping by you on the right with only the cones marking the division. 

"Negligent driving and operating a motor vehicle without insurance."


A slap on the wrist and a paltry fine, at best. Probably won't even lose her license.

Uninsured driver? Probably no way to get satisfaction in a lawsuit- the "blood from a turnip" problem.

l'll have to say I agree with you clp. Wow, did I just say that? Well, there's a first for everything! :-)

It's basically ONLY shut down for Bike the Drive and even then, its done in the earliest morning hours only until about 10:30 AM on a Sunday. Trust me, if it was easier to do this, Active Trans would be thrilled -- can you imagine the people who would sleep in AND ride on an empty Lake Shore Drive?

As is, the Drive is a federal highway and the amount of manpower that it takes to open and close it is frankly astonishing (and super fun to volunteer/work with, ha). However, barricades and TSAs are probably the only reason this doesn't happen during that event, not cones. :( Such a shame. 

I wish we could change the perspective on events like this and Bike the Drive. I think it is a good idea to shut the drive down for Chi Tri. It's a shame it is that hard from a manpower perspective but understandable because every entry point needs to be blocked.


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