A truck looking just like this with many led lights.Crossing Irving park on my bike, the vehicle orders me in a loud robotic voice "GET ON THE SIDEWALK!"

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I would'nt be surprised if it had a pair of chromed out testes hanging from its rear hitch.

Yo Juan,

That would be great then when they stop at the light (or run outta gas) ya can ride up and crush their Ba##s...


The Chicagoan

PS These foolish Stupid User Vehicles and their inane actions just make me wanna get in front of them and "take the lane" for safety of course....

Any time i see those dangling from someone's bumper i want to cut 'em off and leave 'em on their hood...


 Juan said:

I would'nt be surprised if it had a pair of chromed out testes hanging from its rear hitch.

Shouldn't take long for a Chicago pothole to flatten those rubberbands.

Bull Balls Attached With Hitch Hanger

Juan said:

I would'nt be surprised if it had a pair of chromed out testes hanging from its rear hitch.

At a stop light, this one woman had decked out her car to be feminine while she was stuffing her face with food in one hand and yapping on her celly with the other.

Melanie said:

Bull Balls Attached With Hitch Hanger

Juan said:

I would'nt be surprised if it had a pair of chromed out testes hanging from its rear hitch.


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