Yay! The new Solidarity Drive underpass is finally open. Took some pics:

North of the underpass, looking south:

South of the underpass, looking north:

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Good to see it completed after all that construction mess. I'm looking forward to trying it.
Be careful if you like to go fast! There is a lot of sand on the south end of the tunnel, and it gets to be hairy to corner. Also the North end of the pass where the circle around the planetarium ends is extremely tight.

The underpass replaces the street crossing at the southeast end of the aquarium ... the part of the path that circles around the glass structure, and has been closed/detoured for so long.

It is certainly convenient, and Ali is correct. With the rains this evening there were sandy rivers streaming across from the hill/planted area on the west side of the path as you descend into the underpass (approaching from the south) or ascend to street level (riding south).
Yeah, it's really sharp... look at the painted lines. heh. Gotta go slow if there's anyone else around.

Ali said:
Be careful if you like to go fast! There is a lot of sand on the south end of the tunnel, and it gets to be hairy to corner. Also the North end of the pass where the circle around the planetarium ends is extremely tight.



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