Completely aquiver with anticipation.
No mention of who's going to play the mayor.
I'd love to see an AUTHENTIC Logan Square Metra station! One that went all the way to Madison ;)
And I always drink Miller High-Life when I stand under the L tracks hanging out and stripping out stolen bikes.
H3N3 said:
Well, I may try to tune in at least for the fun of IDing location scenes.
My reaction was to the description of the characters and premise . . .it looks like another warped west coast/Hollywood idea of what Chicago is like. Which, under some circumstances can be kind of fun if taken far enough to the bizarro . . . does anyone remember the Kevin Bacon movie Stir of Echoes? It was fun in that way . . . they did some cool things like create a beautiful, completely authentic looking "Logan Square Metra Station", and lots of Chicago bungalow facing; and every shot showing what Chicagoans do in their leisure time had them standing around underneath El tracks drinking Old Style from a keg in the street :-)
Reader review:
Evidently, del Valle has been elected Mayor.
We watched it. They used a decent variety of real neighborhood locations. They paid attention to getting a lot of look and feel details right.
Scott thought that the feel of it did justice to the city and police work here. Some aspects of the plot were a bit of a stretch. I admit that I don't exactly expect absolute realism in TV plots - it's too rare. We thought it was a reasonably good pilot episode - not perfect, but it has potential.
Eh, no one wants realism in tv. Reality is boring.
Doctors: check blood pressure and diagnose STDs all day
Police: fill out paperwork at the precinct, go talk to people after the crime was committed, fill out more paperwork for insurance purposes
Scientists: sit in a lab pipetting liquid and then wait 3 days for results.
Lawyers: hours and hours of reading and writing, maybe followed by a few minutes in court.
Who would watch that?
Anne Alt said:
We watched it. They used a decent variety of real neighborhood locations. They paid attention to getting a lot of look and feel details right.
Scott thought that the feel of it did justice to the city and police work here. Some aspects of the plot were a bit of a stretch. I admit that I don't exactly expect absolute realism in TV plots - it's too rare. We thought it was a reasonably good pilot episode - not perfect, but it has potential.
Not to mention that when someone in the ER does code, they end up dying most of the time.
For the scientists, I'd say they spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen and typing.
Don't forget the forsenic/picture guy blowing up a video frame or picture to get a big blocky image that could be anyone. Too bad enhance doesn't work so well in real life.
Joel said:
Eh, no one wants realism in tv. Reality is boring.
Doctors: check blood pressure and diagnose STDs all day
S said:
Not to mention that when someone in the ER does code, they end up dying most of the time.
Enjoyed it. Will put on TiVo season pass.
I thought for sure that one house was going to be a meth lab.
Eh, no one wants realism in tv. Reality is boring.
Doctors: check blood pressure and diagnose STDs all day
Police: fill out paperwork at the precinct, go talk to people after the crime was committed, fill out more paperwork for insurance purposes
Scientists: sit in a lab pipetting liquid and then wait 3 days for results.
Lawyers: hours and hours of reading and writing, maybe followed by a few minutes in court.
Who would watch that?
Anne Alt said:We watched it. They used a decent variety of real neighborhood locations. They paid attention to getting a lot of look and feel details right.
Scott thought that the feel of it did justice to the city and police work here. Some aspects of the plot were a bit of a stretch. I admit that I don't exactly expect absolute realism in TV plots - it's too rare. We thought it was a reasonably good pilot episode - not perfect, but it has potential.
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