The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) recently published guidance on the use of rumble strips which is a major step back for people who bicycle. These are safety devices used on edgelines or shoulders of roads to alert motorists that they have left the travel lane. Rumble strips when installed properly are very effective in reducing run-off-the-road crashes. However, it is virtually impossible for a bicycle to ride on a rumble strip.
Active Trans will be contacting IDOT to express our concerns and will continue to work with our national partners Alliance for Biking and Walking and League of American Bicyclists to get this guidance changed.
We will keep you informed and let you know if there is an action opportunity to help make this change.
Thank you,
Dan Persky, Active Trans
The guidance allows for the use of rumble strips when less than four feet of clear space to the right of the strip is available for bicyclists. Old FHWA guidance supported a minimum of four feet (five if the edge is a guardrail). Active Trans agrees with the old guidance.
The new FHWA guidance also lacks detailed instructions for maintenance of the shoulders. Active Trans believes regular clearing of debris is essential maintenance. The new guidance also recommends only infrequent gaps in the rumble strips. Those gaps allow for bicyclists to enter travel lanes when necessary. Active Trans supports the use of frequent gaps.
The old guidance had recommendations for motorist education on driver inattention. Active Trans agrees that as distracted driving increases this education is necessary.
To its credit the new guidance does recommend installation only where necessary 1) on roads with documented safety problems and 2) roads with particularly high speeds.
Thank you,
Dan Persky, Active Trans
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