New East Coast Greenway: 15 States, 3,000 Miles of Bike Lanes from Maine to Florida

"A New East Coast Bike Trail Will Stretch 3,000 Miles From Maine to Florida"
The East Coast Greenway will give bikers the chance to see 15 states on one bike path.

The Northwest seems to get most of the credit as far as bike-loving residents are concerned — ahem, Portland — but if you love to pedal to your heart's delight, the East Coast may actually soon be the place for you.

The non-profit organization East Coast Greenway Alliance (ECGA) is building a 3,000-mile bike path that will stretch from Calais, Maine to Key West, Florida, giving cyclists the chance to see 15 states and 450 communities via two wheels.

Sound impossible? Don't doubt the power of cyclists: The trail is actually coming along quite nicely. About 850 miles have already been created, and another 200 miles will be added by 2020, according to Curbed.

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New?  This couple rode the greenway in 2005, and others had ridden it north to south earlier.

Did you read the article? As the article mentions, there's 850 miles created so far. Right now the greenway isn't complete.

"...sharing the shoulder of the road with vehicles is ultimately safer than any bike path"

I'm going to disagree with you on this point. I love having the option to take a greenway. Much safer than sharing with motorists that are under the influence or texting on their phones. And, you can relax and enjoy your surroundings without fear of cars buzzing you at high speeds. 

I love that they are building greenway to take cyclists down the coast, through 15 states. 


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