1) Your membership year expires exactly 365 days after the first time you use your key. I had my key in hand almost a month before using it, as there weren't more than 20 stations or so back in early June, so I "extended" my membership to next July, as the system grew and became useful to me.
2) Call customer service. I've heard that they sometimes (always?) give a free daily pass or two to folks waiting for their keys to arrive. Don't know if they then start the clock on your year before you get your key, though that would seem fair to me.
3) I know nothing about virtual vs. real credit cards. My guess is that if the credit card account you supply doesn't have enough credit limit (or accountability or expiration date) to cover a potential $1200 bike loss, they wouldn't accept it. If your credit card is hinky, for the good of the Divvy system and for all of the rest of us, I would hope you'd get locked out or booted off immediately. Paris experienced huge losses with its Velib' system at the beginning, with ne'er-do-wells tossing bikes into the river, riding them down staircases until they didn't roll anymore, even selling them on the black market in North Africa. Parisians weren't held responsible for the bikes they borrowed. Bike share systems everywhere, including Divvy, have tried to avoid this by attaching some financial personal responsibility to members. They don't ask you to post a $1200 cash bond up front because they know your credit card will cover losses. If a lot of Divvy yearly members used virtual credit cards that miraculously evaporated whenever a charge was due, I'd think the system would collapse.
Most recent station installations, to the best of my knowledge:
On Friday, as you noted, 24th & Western. Also this past Friday, seven more:
35th & Wallace
35th & Halsted
31st & Morgan
Halsted & Maxwell Street
Franklin & Monroe
Grand & Wood
Armitage & Larrabee
Yesterday (Saturday), five more:
LaSalle & Jackson
Jackson & Michigan
Franklin & Quincy
Wells & Eugenie
Wells & Evergreen
Would have been six, but a street fair in Old Town kept us away from Burton Place & Wells. We'll get that another day.
I've built a web application that grabs data from Divvy's API at http://viddy.gensym.org. The front page lists the 10 most recently added stations. I'm thinking of adding an RSS feed of station additions/changes if there's any demand for it.
Nice work, David!
David Altenburg said:
I've built a web application that grabs data from Divvy's API at http://viddy.gensym.org/. The front page lists the 10 most recently added stations. I'm thinking of adding an RSS feed of station additions/changes if there's any demand for it.
The amount of data coming out of Divvy's APIs is amazing. It just waiting for smart developers like yourself to package into usable info.
David Altenburg said:
I've built a web application that grabs data from Divvy's API at http://viddy.gensym.org. The front page lists the 10 most recently added stations. I'm thinking of adding an RSS feed of station additions/changes if there's any demand for it.
h' 1.0 said:
But first I want one that tracks how active the various stations are... I guess by how often the number of bikes changes.
Yeah, that's what I'm most interested in. If you click on the stations in my app, you'll notice that it graphs the changes in bikes/docks for the stations. I plan to next (after doing some work to speed up the site) add some aggregation of that data so that we can get some idea of station activity. Unfortunately, rebalancing (where Divvy bikes are loaded from one station into a van to be moved to another station) adds a lot of noise to that data, so I'd really love to see the API provide actual arrival/departure information so that I can use that rather than try to infer it.
This is great, David.
An alternative is to follow @DivvyTrack on Twitter.
h', #divvyred ended in August.
David Altenburg said:
I've built a web application that grabs data from Divvy's API at http://viddy.gensym.org. The front page lists the 10 most recently added stations. I'm thinking of adding an RSS feed of station additions/changes if there's any demand for it.
The Bank of America version allows you to set a credit limit (as low as you want) and an expiration date (default=2 months after current date). When that credit limit is used up (whether by 1 transaction or several) or the expiration date is reached, that virtual number is defunct. I forget the exact term they use for this service, but I often use it for online transactions. If I'm only planning to make one transaction at a particular site, I'll usually set the limit just high enough to allow that one transaction in case the site is hacked and the number is stolen. (Happened to me once.)
h' 1.0 said:
It occurs to me I should probably explain what a virtual account number is.
That's Citi's name for 'em... Bank of America offers them too, but they call them something different (forget what.)
Basically you go into your credit card online account and generate them-- you get a little image of a credit card with your name, an account number, an expiration date and CVV code (I screenshot 'em and generate a few each time I go in.)
The account number is basically an alias to your 'real' account. The advantage is that you don't have to get a new card every time there's a chance the number may have been compromised. Or worry about that once it's been used, or once it's much more than a month old. By default, the expirations are all at the end of the month after the current one. And once used for a merchant, that number is only good for that merchant and will be declined for any other.
You used to be able to go in and customize each one (credit limit, expiration) but I think they took that away.
For those of you who don't do Facebook or Twitter, these were planned for today, according to the Divvy FB site:
Five new stations planned for today: Kedzie Ave & Milwaukee Ave, Lake Park Ave & 47th St, Cottage Grove Ave & Oakwood Blvd, Rhodes Ave & 32nd St, and Wells St & Burton Pl. Yay!
There's been a trend for at least one station in the "planned for today" list that doesn't get installed. In this list it was Wells & Burton.
Michelle Stenzel said:
For those of you who don't do Facebook or Twitter, these were planned for today, according to the Divvy FB site:
Five new stations planned for today: Kedzie Ave & Milwaukee Ave, Lake Park Ave & 47th St, Cottage Grove Ave & Oakwood Blvd, Rhodes Ave & 32nd St, and Wells St & Burton Pl. Yay!
203 members
172 members
1 member
270 members
1 member