New Bike, Walking Paths and Transit Wanted in North Lake Shore Drive Revamp

Separating walkers from bikers on the Lakefront Trail is the most popular idea on a list of 1,600 community comments about the planned $1 billion makeover of North Lake Shore Drive. Click here for the full article.

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That would be awesome to have a separation between cyclists and pedestrians/rollerbladers/dogs/toddlers.   I avoid the lakefront path like the plague during popular hours during the high season.  

It probably won't happen but we can always hope....


Julie Hochstadter said:

That would be awesome to have a separation between cyclists and pedestrians/rollerbladers/dogs/toddlers.   I avoid the lakefront path like the plague during popular hours during the high season.  

It probably won't happen but we can always hope....

Do we get the roller blades or do they?

If they take the dogs and runners I suppose that's fair enough

Serge when I wrote toddlers I was thinking specifically about your crash when a kid just ran straight in front of you.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

And who's going to enforce this separation?


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