Need a local shop recommendation... looking for a large saddle bag

I'm going for a week of R&R (riding and relaxation) in Michigan next week and am thinking of picking up a large saddle bag. I have a Brooks-style saddle, so it would be nice to get something canvas with leather straps, but am also open to Ortlieb or maybe other saddle bags.

The main thing is, I'm looking for one large and strong enough to carry my Kryptonite mini u-lock, tools, tube, CO2, phone, maybe a rain jacket, snacks, etc. 

Any ideas where I should look?

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Boulevard Bikes.

Elliot Bennet at Lovestar bike bags makes some great stuff.   believe he will custom make bags to your specs as well.

I second Kevin's suggestion of Boulevard Bikes, even if they are a bit far from you.

I've got a Zimbale 7L saddle bag that I'm not using any more. I was going to list it for sale, but never got around to it. Let me know if you'd be interested. ( I actually got it from Boulevard Bikes.)


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