Hey everyone my bike was stolen from my garage sometime within the last two days. The last time I used it was Sunday. If you spot it around anywhere pls let me know. I know chances of getting it back are slim but I have some hope. Its a matte black KHS Flite 100. Thanks!

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Ugh, that's the worst news. Sorry to hear it. I'll put it out on Twitter and FB. You never know. Sometimes bikes are recovered.

Zach Schneider gave some great advice, "Yeah you should also check Swap O Rama (http://www.swap-o-rama.com) and Craigslist (http://chicago.craigslist.org)"

Definitely check this out: http://www.thechainlink.org/forum/topics/stolen-bike-registry-do-th...

From Greg:
Hi. I just signed up for an account to post that I think I see a bike mentioned as stolen in the forums on craigslist. I'm not sure how long it will take to approve my account, but in the meantime, someone might want to mention to Samuel Diaz that this craigslist bike seems like it is his.

It looks like it could be it. What should be the next step?

Unless they swapped out the stem, handlebars, seatpost and added a rear brake I don't think that is your bike.

Yeah, I think almost every part on there is different from what I had on mine.

Looks like a different bike, unless they changed out a bunch of bikes.  Awhile back someone was posting facebook groups here that appeared to be selling suspicious bikes...

Yeah I was thinking the same after taking some more time to look at it. None of the parts on it look like they're the parts I had on my bike.
The first thing non-amateur thieves do is swap out parts. If you had a serial number you could check that on inspection. Circumstantially, the fact that you report a bike stolen, and then one day later an exact same frame comes on craigslist with a bunch of misspellings is something that would give me pause.

My doubts are with the frames. The frame I had is similar to this one. 

The "Flite 100" logo on the top tube is smaller and the same on both sides I remember that. The logos on the fork and seat stays are also different. The KHS logo on the down tube is wider. The logo on the seat tube appears to look different as well. The model I have has a KHS branded chain guard that comes with the frame. The logo on the front of the frame also appears to look different. 

The one listed on craigslist is similar to this model below

The "Flite 100" logo on the top tube is much bigger. The KHS logo on the down tube is a little narrower. Logos on the fork and seat stays are different. No chainguard on this one.

I have a feeling it may not be it, but I could be wrong.

That's not it unfortunately

In Illinois, the publication of words that impute the commission of a criminal offense is defamation per se.  If a defamatory statement is actionable per se, damages are presumed and the plaintiff need not plead or prove actual damage to his or her reputation to recover.  Generally, all persons who cause or participate in the publication of libelous or slanderous matters are potentially liable for such publication. 

My point is that all you detectives who are implying that every Craigslist bike of the same general make and model as Samuel's is stolen had better watch what you are doing.  If I were legit and running one of those ads, I'd be furious, and justifiably so.  Especially if any reasonably close look at the photos showed that they were not, in fact, the bike in question.  How would you like it if somebody did that to you?


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