Yesterday my very special cargo bike was stolen. I have placed info as far and wide as I can in the hope of recovering it, including the stolen registry, craigslist, my facebook, neighborhood association etc. It is irreplaceable and of great value to my family and I. If you should see a bright purple DeFietsfabriek bucket cargo bike please call the cops. It's the only one of that color, and one of only maybe 4 similar styles in the city.
Thanks and much love-
great to be here on chainlink.
You are all so kind. It has raised my spirits considerably that so many people are watching out for it! By this morning I had given up on humanity. This afternoon I realized that I was wrong. I can't say thank you enough.
Sorry about your bike. This video shows just how easy it is to break into a garage. If you do find the bike, consider putting a zip tie on the emergency release of your garage door. It would make it harder to open the door in an emergency, but it is an option to think about if that's the only place you can store your bike. Good luck!
The police report on file with Chicago Police Department at around 5pm on Wednesday October 17 is HZ522676. The chicago stolen bike registry has no clear field to provide this information. (A defieciency inmy opinion) However the details on this website do provide the information. Again, the police report is HZ522676 CPD. And I would add that the police department was pretty clear just how low the priority was concerning my case. I realize they have more important things to handle, but given the substantial increase in crimes of this nature as well as a recent strong arm robbery attempt nearby we'd see a little more activity. I think we are all aware that the only recourse we as cyclists have is the goodwill of others. Again CPD report HZ522676.
h' said:
There's actually no sign that the victim has filed a police report, so there's no point calling police.
But it would be 911 if there was a police report number.
Brock T said:I also live in the neighborhood, a few blocks from there, and ride every day. I will definitely keep my eyes peeled and get ready to report it. That would be a 9-1-1 call or a 3-1-1?
I'll be on the lookout!
I wonder; would it be worthwhile to do any sort of "hobo network canvasing"? Get some business card sized printouts with a picture of the bike, state there's a reward for information, and distribute them to the people who spend all day staring at the streets?
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