Montana gets new bike camping sites with electrical outlets, bike racks, and bear-resistant food lockers. Wait, what??

This is awesome. We did some bike camping last summer and plan to go on some trips this year too. Bike racks and electrical outlets are great. On an unrelated note, is it just me or does the need for "bear-resistant" anything kinda freak you out?

The bicycle campsites include: ten tent spaces, a bicycle rack, fire ring, bear-resistant food lockers, potable water, bicycle maintenance stand, electrical outlets and covered shelter with picnic tables.

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One time when we were camping at Kettle Moraine, we heard some rustling only to see the chubby behind of a raccoon as it hopped over a log and ran off with a bag of tortilla chips. 

P.S.  Pepper spray and mace spray have been banned by a few states, counties, and municipalities.  Bear spray has much fewer if any such restrictions.


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