What is everyone doing with the construction on Milwaukee Ave? Are you going right through the area, or going around?

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Yesterday I rode through it.

Today I'm going around it.

I would like to go around but I guess I'm unsure what the best option is. Take Grand over to Wells? Weave around the west side and come in via Washington?

I don't usually ride Milwaukee because I take side streets to Kinzie, but if the construction is from Ohio to Kinzie you can cut over on Green and take it to Kinzie.  A plus is the lovely new, wide asphalt between the new apartment building and the Pickens-Kane building.  I think the only down side is no traffic control at Green and Grand.  Kevin was my original source for side street routes, so maybe he has better ideas.

I’d second Lisa’s advice

No real inbound advice, but after work I regularly go to Wicker Park or NB Elston, and I usually take Adams to Green to Milwaukee and will miss most of the current construction. Green is generally low traffic/low speed with one comically bad stretch of asphalt between Grand and Milwaukee.

My alt. route to Desplaines is to take Damen down to Warren/Washington. It adds a mile but the asphalt is so buttery smooth that my speed makes up the time. The Washington lane is so wide I'm surprised it's not (at the least) buffered.

I rode my hoverbike today, so I had no issues.


Kevin C said:

Yesterday I rode through it.

Today I'm going around it.

This surface made me appreciate even more the cushy, cushy ride of the tires on my everyday ride. What a difference!

Did this today; "buttery smooth" indeed! Thanks very much.

Washington becomes quite hairy east of Desplaines. Does anyone have a recommendation for the best eastbound route from Des Plaines into the Loop?

maryrachel said:

My alt. route to Desplaines is to take Damen down to Warren/Washington. It adds a mile but the asphalt is so buttery smooth that my speed makes up the time. The Washington lane is so wide I'm surprised it's not (at the least) buffered.

Take Washington to Jefferson (one block east of Des Plaines), head back north to Fulton, east on Fulton to Canal and Canal north to Kinzie.  Out of your way, but if you are uncomfortable on Washington it is probably the best way.  None of the other eastbound streets are going to be any better than Washington.

"Uncomfortable" might be a little strong; I think the PBLs (and stretches of bike lanes with no parking on the right, a la Warren) are just making me spoiled. Especially when I'm just trying to have a leisurely ride to work and not really looking for "exercise." :)

I wonder when the city will install an eastbound PBL into the Loop. Maybe as part of the Madison/Washington BRT plan? I can't remember the details of that.


It will be on Washington, with a westbound couplet on Randolph, in 2014

Alex Z said:

I wonder when the city will install an eastbound PBL into the Loop. Maybe as part of the Madison/Washington BRT plan? I can't remember the details of that.



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