We're riding to Milwaukee...again.
This time we are for sure doing the Sprecher tour on Saturday, and I'm down for the reserve tasting if I can convince anyone else.

The dates are set -
Leaving Friday OCT 23 - returning Sunday OCT 25 riding, or on the train...of course, everyone can do whatever they want.
We are probably going to be riding at a super chill/touring pace, so if you've been riding all summer and want to do a first time distance ride, this ones for you. - but we could always meet you there if you wanna race to Palomino's.
We gonna get a hotel - maybe a huge one to be shared?
After we see how many people want to roll, I will provide more specific details.
This should be up on the calender soon...

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Sign me up! I'm adding it to the calendar right now.
Hi German!
Hey there!
I finally have a date I can ride to Milwaukee and probably the last Milwaukee ride for the year...
Ah, bad weekend for me. I guess I'll just have to wait for the Frozen Snot Century.
if im not mistaken, the Reserve Tour includes cheese pairings with the beer tasting.

iggi said:
if im not mistaken, the Reserve Tour includes cheese pairings with the beer tasting.
Can't do it on a Friday. I have no more vacation days left.
Do your race on Saturday Juan...since you chickened out last time! ;)

Juan Dominguez said:
Can't do it on a Friday. I have no more vacation days left.
there are two different reservations for Sprecher. There is the normal tour that cost $4 and has a really big group and at the end you taste 3-4 beers and unlimited amounts of Soda. Then there is a private party reservation that has limited space and times. It cost $15 dollars and you get 10 beer samples paired with cheeses.
I've done the reserve tasting and it's worth the money. The beer samples change every season as do the cheese pairings. Last time I did it, the beer samples were really big, most people couldn't even finish the whole beer before the next one would come out.
count me in!
Any idea what route we'll take? I did the 3.0 ride but would prefer a change of scenery for this one.


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