Milage Census - How many miles per month on Average for you regulars ?

I know it is getting cold now, but during the warm weather how many miles a month on average are people riding. How many miles per month do you figure you will be riding during cold weather Dec - March ? Using my own example - 2 times weekly from Northfield to North and Western =60 miles or 15 miles each way, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. So between 160-240 miles generally speaking=200 miles give or take. I figure this winter that will be cut in Half=100 miles. How about you ? Any Ideas how many calories spent per mile ?

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I usually open the season in late March or early April with about 50 miles a week in high cadence...I will increase that distance gradually to 200 a week by the end of June focusing on lower cadence and smooth pedal stroke. I'll do my best to stick to around at least 200 a week June through late September and concentrate on speed...September through early November I will slowly dial down the distance and focus on the faster paced rides...I am probably one of the few cyclists that doesn't ride through the winter as I find trainers to be bland and boring...It feels like running on a treadmill for me; all that effort to stay stationary seems pointless and unrewarding. But I pay for my laziness come April, that first couple of weeks my legs feel like they are anchors.

8 miles x 4-5 days a week = 32-40 plus a bunch of random trips for work and personal. So at least 70 average a week. Unfor I lost my bike computer this fall. Need a new one. No idea about calories. Don't count those much either.
Really depends on whether you just commute and get around the city on the bike, or do tris and race.

If you're training to be competitive in triathlons or lower cat bike racing, one needs to put in some serious mileage. I'd say at least 800+ miles a month for training purposes, and that's when you're really going to burn calories.
Numbers please .... How many teabags from May through Oct ---- just a rough guess is ok. I will divide it by 6.

M.A.R.K. said:
Depends on whats going on that day.. Now that im not working miles are reduced..
I race - last spring through fall I averaged 250-300 miles per week . . . so about a 1000 or so miles per month . . . that sounds like a lot, but its usually 15+ hours per week.

Right now I'm riding more like 11 or 12 hours a week -- so about 180-220 miles a week . . . probably about 800 miles a month. But I'm slower on the cross bike [and don't have a mileage computer on it], so probably fewer miles than that.

When the weather's bad enough that I'm pedaling indoors, I go by hours exclusively. Last year it was 10-15 hours on the bike per week, depending on the week . . . might be more this year as I catted up last summer and I have to stay competitive.

Calorie-wise, I burn about 450 kcals per hour on an endurance paced ride, and 550-ish on a tempo ride. [I knew that powertap was good for something.]
6 miles RT x 5, plus occasional trips into the south loop where my data center is, and then all the personal stuff.... I think I cover about 40-50 a week if I don't get a "long" ride. I chose to not get a computer on my bike, but alas, the data junkie in me keeps hitting and such.

With all good intent I won't change (read "reduce") anything during the next few months, but this will be my first bike winter ....
My days vary wildly. Somewhere around 20-40 miles every day five days a week. I don't do official races, but have done a handful of alleycats. I mostly just enjoy the cold beer and laughs after busting my ass on a bike.

I'd say no less than 700 miles each month.
400-500 miles in the non-winter. This is my first winter, but looking at how things are shaping up, I expect to do 100-150 miles a month.

Calories burned depends [i]strongly[/i] on what effort you are putting in, e.g, see:
600-700 miles a month when ice on the road isn't a factor. 75-100 (depending on previous year's averages--hope to make more this time around) during the shit months. I bought a trainer the first winter I was here, but have used it about twice in the last two years. I just can't stand 'em!
I ride to work five days a week, 14 miles round trip, plus usually around 10-20 on weekends. So that's about 360-400 a month. This is my first winter, so not sure how that will factor. I'll take city streets more than the path, which cuts my round trip commute to 11 miles, and I may start leaving the bike at home, sadly, when there's fresh snow. Monday was too adventurous to be repeated habitually.
If I don't stop laughing my face is gonna fall off.

M.A.R.K. said:
At least some people remember that. Come on that shit is funny bro.. But hell, in teh same, i dont want to be remembered as the teabags guy.. They have ye to post my submission, you'll know it when you see it..
h3 said:
cutifly said:
Numbers please .... How many teabags from May through Oct ---- just a rough guess is ok. I will divide it by 6.

M.A.R.K. said:
Depends on whats going on that day.. Now that im not working miles are reduced..

Careful, you don't want to get M.A.R.K. started on teabags.
Let's see: 16 mile commute round trip, 5 days a week, approximately 4 weeks per month makes that 320 miles per month. Add 20 miles total per weekend and weeknights and that makes for a grand total of 400 miles each month!


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