When asking around, I heard these three candidates are some potential good bike-friendly options:




Let's use this thread to discuss, bring in articles, quotations, and proof of bike-savviness. Cool?

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"It's Time To Let the Dogs Out!" . . .

Go Vote ! 


 ^Chicago Tribune photo of early voting cyclist Macaire Grambauer, 34, bike gear and all. Come on in with yours today !  It will be quick to vote today because of the short list of municipal offices to choose opon. Should only take around 15 minutes tops to vote. You must vote at the precinct assigned to your home address today. Polls are open from 6am till 7pm.  

CST Election Live Blog:


Things are slow, and turnout again is low.   So . . .

At 9:15 in my precinct, I was number 39.

Hope lots of early voting.

We cyclists aren't short on passion, are we? ;-)

I love that this became a deep discussion of the candidates. 200 comments in the thread. nearly 4k views. Thanks for coming to CL and sharing your thoughts. 

Don't know about you but I'm excited to learn the results. 

Kathleen, (she's a little shy) thank you for your many years of service and best wishes and health moving forward into retirement. You were always an inspiration for me and, I Salute You ! . . . Take Care !

"we are all neighbors! "  Lori Lightfoot

When it comes to politics, just have to say WSWS is really great! WSWS has had coverage of the mayoral election. The latest article is from before the vote: "Chicago mayoral run-off: The cost-cutter or the cop?".


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