When asking around, I heard these three candidates are some potential good bike-friendly options:




Let's use this thread to discuss, bring in articles, quotations, and proof of bike-savviness. Cool?

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Whaaat??!!  Trump crowd ??!!  'Deliberate disinformation tactic.'

Innuendo and guilt by association. 

No response to the article itself? I think it sets out how some of Lori's proposals lend themselves more to the conservative side of the spectrum. What about alderman Sposato and Napolitano, both Trump supporters, both showing up at a Lori Lightfoot event. Is that not tacit support? I also am vaguely aware that the Cubs owners, the Ricketts family, are Trump supporters and have endorsed Toni. I could be wrong on that point and it may have been the brother who supports Trump and the sister that supports Lori, but it also looks a lot like these are strategic decisions since everyone knows that it would hurt her more than help her if they (direct Trump supporters) came right out and endorsed her. Also if you ever take a gander at the Second City Cop blog (a pretty hateful, racist conservative blog, but I think it is useful for insight into the sentiments of a chunk of our Republican population) and the comments there, theres zero Toni support and a general view that Lori is the lesser of evils. 

You also have the fact Lori's a former federal prosecutor and prosecutors tend to lean conservative. You also have the fact, as I pointed out, that her talking points have been more about getting tough on crime and zero reference to crime being a symptom of poverty and looking at economic solutions to the root causes of crime. Again that's a more Republican style talking point. 

Btw, I dont appreciate being accused of spreading disinformation, I'm giving my rationale in good faith and would appreciate a good faith discussion rather than guffaws and generic denials. I'm happy to be proven wrong and to change my impressions with some informed discussion, but simply shouting me down isnt really advancing this discussion.

Good grief -- no one is "shouting" you down.

Then what is your point in using the Trump angle in expressing some of her backers? That is totally irrelevant in how her administration will be run. In my honest opinion I believe your rationale is flawed and you are using disinformation for a political purpose.

And I'm also not shouting you down.   And I read your article.  

Maybe its irrelevant to you but I have to question how much of a champion of progressive causes she will be when she appears to carry relatively strong appeal to the conservative side of the spectrum. Again, I'm giving reasons for my skepticism here and all I'm getting in return is "nah you're wrong." I very well may be wrong and I dont claim to know everything but im trying to provide my rationale at least.

And what is the disinformation? What is factually false in what I said?

I think you are unnecessarily concerned about the political leanings of 'the crowd' of supporters of candidate Lightfoot. Especially when you unfairly resort to using the most unfavorable political term, 'Trump'. That is what I feel is unfair and fear based disinformation. 

V W, I respect and appreciate your concern in this political contest. I am confident Lori will be an excellent mayor of our fine city and her own judgment and leadership will bring about the reform that this city sorely needs.

Thanks for respectfully elaborating. I will respectfully agree to disagree about what the proper level of concern is on the supporters issue.  One of the many things I hated about Rahm is that he was the "mayor of the 1%", and had no time to meet with community groups but filled up his calendar and spent all his time rubbing elbows with the rich. It was clear he identified much more with his old business partners like Bruce Rauner than he did with the disenfranchised. I will be the first to admit to Toni's many flaws (the insufferable support of Berrios, the reticence to take risks and constantly erring on the side of pragmatism), but she was one of the few politicians talking about things like the school to prison pipeline and actually practicing what she preached by significantly reducing the prison population and constantly working to prioritize economic issues that affect the poor.

If Lori wins, I hope she is not another Rahm, and that shes more on the social and economic justice side of the spectrum.

Just because you post a link, that does NOT obligate anyone to actually follow it or if they do, to comment on it. I DID read the opinion piece, as I am a fan of the South South Weekly. It didn't move the needle for me, and I don't find the need to break that down for you.

And I could not careless WHO the Ricketts do or do not support. I can make up my own mind, thank you.

I'm giving reasons for my arguments and all I'm getting back from you are conclusory statements. I'm not claiming anyone is obligated to do anything. You dont have to say why the article didnt move the needle for you, you dont have to respond to any of the points raised, but basically just going "nah" isnt much of a rebuttal.

I am being succinct because personally I don't feel you warrant a more comprehensive response. And with a some effort, you could get over yourself.

I'm not the one who has been jumping to personal attacks because someone dares posts opinions on a topic on a  forum and tries to have a discussion. 


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