Mayor Emanuel, Gabe Klein announce more awesome bike stuff! Protected lane thru Loop!

More protected and buffered bike lanes this year and 645-mile bike network in Streets for Cycling 2020 plan!

Edited discussion to include announcement of protected bike lane on Dearborn through Loop from Polk to Kinzie!

Also, here's our statement to media about this:


Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

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The weather forecast is for warm weather through the weekend.  There are NO PARKING signs along Dearborn for a period from 9 p.m. tonight through 6 a.m. Monday.  I hope this is a sign of good things coming to Dearborn over the weekend.

I might have to go downstairs just to see the signs!  Keeping my fingers crossed.

We've confirmed the Dearborn Street protected bike lane striping is happening this weekend! Thank you to all of you tireless members of the bike community for building the support that made this happen!

If you’re on Twitter, please consider posting a thank you to the City for the Dearborn bikeway including @ChicagosMayor @AldReilly @Fioretti2ndWard @ChicagoDOT and maybe even a photo of yourself giving a thumbs up with #LoopBikeway #BikeCHI hashtags!

If you're on Facebook, consider posting a thank you for the Dearborn protected bike lane on these pages:

Let's show that Chicagoans are in full support of this project and more like it!

- Lee Crandell, Active Trans


Don't do twitter and don't do facebook, but I hope Active Trans will pass on that even the dinosaurs are very happy about this and express thanks to all who are making it happen.
Active Transportation Alliance said:

We've confirmed the Dearborn Street protected bike lane striping is happening this weekend! Thank you to all of you tireless members of the bike community for building the support that made this happen!

If you’re on Twitter, please consider posting a thank you to the City for the Dearborn bikeway including @ChicagosMayor @AldReilly @Fioretti2ndWard @ChicagoDOT and maybe even a photo of yourself giving a thumbs up with #LoopBikeway #BikeCHI hashtags!

If you're on Facebook, consider posting a thank you for the Dearborn protected bike lane on these pages:

Let's show that Chicagoans are in full support of this project and more like it!

- Lee Crandell, Active Trans

Lisa -- We'll be sending out some communication Monday with other ways to send thank-yous by email and phone. I'll be sure to post that on Chainlink too, but if you're not on our Neighborhood Bikeways Campaign list, I'd encourage you to sign up here for those kinds of updates:

- Lee Crandell, Active Trans

Lisa Curcio said:


Don't do twitter and don't do facebook, but I hope Active Trans will pass on that even the dinosaurs are very happy about this and express thanks to all who are making it happen.
Active Transportation Alliance said:

We've confirmed the Dearborn Street protected bike lane striping is happening this weekend! Thank you to all of you tireless members of the bike community for building the support that made this happen!

If you’re on Twitter, please consider posting a thank you to the City for the Dearborn bikeway including @ChicagosMayor @AldReilly @Fioretti2ndWard @ChicagoDOT and maybe even a photo of yourself giving a thumbs up with #LoopBikeway #BikeCHI hashtags!

If you're on Facebook, consider posting a thank you for the Dearborn protected bike lane on these pages:

Let's show that Chicagoans are in full support of this project and more like it!

- Lee Crandell, Active Trans

Great news! Are #hashtags case sensitive? I've been using #bikeCHI for a while now and here I see it as #BikeCHI.


Here's another easy way to send a thank you to city officials for the Dearborn protected bike lane. Send a short email using the form on this page.

Tony - no hashtags are not case sensitve.

- Lee Crandell, Active Trans


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