Manor Greenway Connector Montrose to Lawrence for Riverfront Bike Path

RAVENSWOOD MANOR — Construction on the Manor Greenway, a key connector in creating a continuous riverfront bike path, could begin by the end of 2017, officials said.

The greenway would solve a puzzle that's long plagued transportation planners: How to work around the lack of public riverfront land in Ravenswood Manor?

The greenway would use Manor Avenue to link existing paths in Horner Park to the south and Ronan Park to the north. A number of "traffic calming" measures would be installed to make Manor Avenue more comfortable for pedestrians and cyclists to share with motorists, and create safer crossings at Montrose and Lawrence avenues.

Not to be confused with the controversial Manor diverter pilot, which was killed by Ald. Deb Mell (33rd), the greenway is moving forward. An updated timeline for the greenway was presented at a recent meeting of the 33rd Ward's Transportation Action Committee.

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