Malört Water Bottles by Specialized These are Real. And you need one.

I saw this guy at Critical Mass October and tracked them down! Just kidding - we made these - me and a buddy, and they're SUPER limited supply. Purist 22oz Bottles by Specialized

Just wanted to make the community aware. Because - these are Chicago as shit.

PM For local delivery or email malortwaterbottles at gmail dot com

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Nobody loves Malort more than I do but at 15/bottle and 5 bucks to ship it even I have to pass.  I mean I can get a Polar insulated bottle for like 12 bucks at pretty much any shop; even in small batches you're not paying very much for these.

Also, that website hurts my head.

Doug,  to be fair to Tim, the bottles run about $11-$12 without the printing and has a special coating that is supposed to let the bottle remain odorless and unstained even if you do things like put tomato sauce in it.  Given the price for the bottles from Specialized, it doesn't look like a bad deal provided the SiO2 coating works as well as Specialized claims.

Hey! How come this water bottle feels so "soft?"

Cameron 7.5 mi said:

I think the real question is will the Si02 coating stand up to Malort.

S said:


Why not just sell labels for $4.99 shipped?

Side note: This bottle is excellent if you're into the benefits of SiO2 w/o the SiO2 :)

That other bottle doesn't really have the same utility.  For one, even in the sleeve, the glass can break which is a concern if you'll be keeping it on the bottle cages on your bike and drinking while riding.  Also, the glass bottle is a lot heavier and can't be squeezed to get the contents out faster.

Also, you do know that SiO2 or silicon dioxide is the primary ingredient for glass right?  Nothing to be really worried about much like dihydrogen monoxide.

Tom Dworzanski said:

Why not just sell labels for $4.99 shipped?

Side note: This bottle is excellent if you're into the benefits of Si02 w/o the Si02 :)

I thought the same thing at first. About 4 years and many serious drops later I have changed my mind. It's held up well.

I've never used an SiO2 bottle and I don't see the point in my speculating about its safety since I'm definitely not qualified to do so. It seems like a great idea.

S said:

That other bottle doesn't really have the same utility.

If you've used anything made out of glass then you've used something that's 70% SiO2.  The water bottle is just a regular water bottle with a layer of SiO2 that's been deposited as a plasma.  I'd be a little worried about how well the coating would hold up if you had to scrub it clean but silicon dioxide is pretty much biologically so it wouldn't be a risk if you ingested it.

Tom Dworzanski said:

I thought the same thing at first. About 4 years and many serious drops later I have changed my mind. It's held up well.

I've never used an SiO2 bottle and I don't see the point in my speculating about its safety since I'm definitely not qualified to do so. It seems like a great idea.

S said:

That other bottle doesn't really have the same utility.

About the specs on this bottle,

1. They are all printed BY Specialized, so the labels will not rub off - not sure if that was Tom D's concern, and

2. Here are some of the professional chemical doo-dads and informational what-have-yous

Purist FAQ 

3. They hold Malort - and I think water, but I've never tried the latter in it. 

S said:

If you've used anything made out of glass then you've used something that's 70% SiO2.  The water bottle is just a regular water bottle with a layer of SiO2 that's been deposited as a plasma.  I'd be a little worried about how well the coating would hold up if you had to scrub it clean but silicon dioxide is pretty much biologically so it wouldn't be a risk if you ingested it.

Tom Dworzanski said:

I thought the same thing at first. About 4 years and many serious drops later I have changed my mind. It's held up well.

I've never used an SiO2 bottle and I don't see the point in my speculating about its safety since I'm definitely not qualified to do so. It seems like a great idea.

S said:

That other bottle doesn't really have the same utility.

Ohhh I see your point now. My concern was about the coating coming off and the potential health risks of that. You're right, glass is mostly SiO2

S said:

If you've used anything made out of glass then you've used something that's 70% SiO2.

What glass are you talking about?  Polar bottles are all soft.

S said:

That other bottle doesn't really have the same utility.  For one, even in the sleeve, the glass can break which is a concern if you'll be keeping it on the bottle cages on your bike and drinking while riding.  Also, the glass bottle is a lot heavier and can't be squeezed to get the contents out faster.

Also, you do know that SiO2 or silicon dioxide is the primary ingredient for glass right?  Nothing to be really worried about much like dihydrogen monoxide.

Tom Dworzanski said:

Why not just sell labels for $4.99 shipped?

Side note: This bottle is excellent if you're into the benefits of Si02 w/o the Si02 :)

Tom Dworzanski said:

Why not just sell labels for $4.99 shipped?

Side note: This bottle is excellent if you're into the benefits of SiO2 w/o the SiO2 :)

I needed a short third bottle for for my trip last month and got one of those at Target.  It worked well enough, though I ended up tearing off the loop since it would intrude on the fender.  It was covered in mud and dust but it wasn't hard to peel off the sleeve and clean everything.

As an owner of one of these bottles, I can't tell you how many people compliment/inquire about this. Pretty quality bottle but definitely a great conversation starter.

It's also odd how many people just think I am drinking Malort while riding with this haha


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