learned a lot about marshall "major" taylor:

from this piece in the ny times

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Actually the book that you find on Amazon at a crazy price seems to be an abridged version of the original book. If you make a search on google you can find a publisher in India that will print on demand the original book (but the quality of that depends on how good the scanning is), and then later you can find the entire original book (1928+75=2003, the copyright has expired) available for free as E-book:  https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Fastest_Bicycle_Rider_in_t...

His father worked in a bike shop in Indianapolis while he was a kid.  They made him a military style uniform and he performed tricks on his bicycle out front, so they started calling him Major Taylor.

I was very glad that NYT ran that piece.

BTW, if you're not able to find a reasonably priced copy of his autobiography for sale, you can find it at Chicago Public Library.

Only if you want to read the whole thing at the library!  Must be a rare and valuable book.


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