Hey there - If anyone is interested in a meeting for this year's Chicago-Madison camping tour, please let me know. I have one confirmed participant aside from myself. Also if you can help me post the tour on the ATA's funky calendar system I would really appreciate it.

Attendance will be closed for the ride April 24, 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The ride page:


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Time: April 25, 2013 from 7pm to 8pm
Location: Tommy Nevins Pub
Street: 1454 Sherman Ave
City/Town: Evanston
Phone: 703 963 6205
Event Type: campingtour
Organized By: Matt M.

This is a meeting for the Memorial Day weekend ride sponsoring the Wounded Warrior Project.  The policy is no show, no go - you need to meet with the group to make the tour happen.  Mainly this is to resolve logistics and route variations we would like to discuss.

Bridget, the manager for Rome Riverside, has informed me that the fee per campsite for up to three tents is $25 and no reservations are required.  This is a great place to stop.  Honestly, if we could make it to the potluck Saturday night......gee....sigh.... ;-)

Matt M. said:


I'll set a meeting date for Thursday evening.  Please everyone let me know what is convenient for you.

The breakdown:

Cliffside Campground = $35/2 is $17.50 per tent

Rome Riverside = $10 per rider (but I have to check with them for this year)

Van Galder/ Coach USA = $39 with a bike, $29 without.  If you ride a folding bike and have a bag to put it in it just counts as luggage and would be a bit cheaper to transport - and you could ride Megabus for $15.  Megabus simply doesn't have the capacity for a full size bike.  


Baggage Policy:


So that comes to $66.50.  A voluntary $5 donation to Wounded Warrior Project would ideally be deposited on the parallel ride page on their website, bumping up the price to $71.50

But we really really need to get together to talk.  I have some route ideas I'd like to discuss.

Tomas Delgado said:

Seems interesting. Its $70 for camping fees, donation, and transportion (for you and your bike) back to Ohare/Downtown?

That was close; I'm already booked for an event up in Highland Park Wednesday evening.  I'll be there.

looking forward!
Please donate to the Wounded Warrior Project via the mirror page of the Chicago-Milwaukee-Madison Ride on the WWP website!!


If you wanted to donate anonymously and didn't want your name on the WWP page I have now hidden donors on the website.
Anyone else interested in this ride?

OK- - Would anyone like to join us?  We're three and have arrangements for three.  Would you like to make it four for 2014?  Please indicate yes or no by signing up for the pre-ride meeting on April 24th!!!!


I didn't want this to drop off the page too soon.  So far maybe three people are going and while it's a manageable number more won't get too out of hand.

Four will work out in my opinion.  So are we still on for Thursday?

Thanks for the "bump" on this discussion, fellas....but I'm not getting any vibe that this is going to be a huge event this year.  Despite the low "enrollment"  we can definitely have a worthwhile meeting to discuss our concerns about food, routing, and just touching base to make sure we're on the right track.  Sound good?

Last year 3 worked out just fine.  See you on Thursday.


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