*Update 11/17/2015* Hector Avalos, 28, Western/Ogden, 12/6/2013 :-(

[expletives deleted.....]



As usual, lead poisoning victims have got to the comments first, so do yourself a favor and don't read them.

Now comes the usual horrid wait to find out who it was, if it's someone any of us knows.....

Update.. Hector Avalos of Cermak/Wood area.  My condolences to his friends and family.

Update 11/17/2015

This is a heartbreaking decision. The judge blamed the victim for wearing dark clothes and referred to the crash as an "accident" but seemed to ignore the fact that Robert's blood alcohol level was 0.152 percent when he got behind the wheel, nearly twice the legal level of 0.08.

“[Vais] has to face the fact that what he did was wrong,” Avalos’ mother Ingrid Cossio said. “He gets a new beginning, a new life, and a new chance to be with his family, so I hope he takes advantage of that opportunity. I don’t get that with my son.”

Full Streetsblog Article:

(seems like it would be a basic courtesy to note that a posting was updated/modified by an admin and not the original poster-h)

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Apparently, a ghost bike was immediately installed, not sure by whom, with a little ceremony.  Wish I'd known.

I'm off kedzie & ogden which is one reason this hits so close to home for me. This is on my daily commute and would like to make sure a memorial stays up. Any word on a memorial ride yet? Anything we can do to raise awareness 

h' 1.0 said:

What part of town are you in? It will make a good replacement when scavengers get to the one in the video.

alex said:

Anyone know who puts on the ghost bikes? I would like to donate one of mine and also interested in a memorial ride.

RIP, this is a route I take. At 400,000 bond I wonder if this was is first DUI? Odgen seems to be a good route but it's still a diagnal street.

I spoke with the family and they were surprised and happy to hear people would be interested in a memorial ride. I think the only obstacle right now is the weather would stop many from showing up

I would be interested in a memorial ride. 

h' 1.0 said:

Not really sure how to gauge interest on that-- I only had one person contact me to say they were interested. And I also broadcast the request to 800+ inboxes via the e-mail lists.

alex said:

I spoke with the family and they were surprised and happy to hear people would be interested in a memorial ride. I think the only obstacle right now is the weather would stop many from showing up

The family is having a ceremony tonight at the site of the accident at 11:50 if anyone wants to join. The family would really like some support from fellow cyclists if anyone has the chance to attend it would be great

11:50pm tonight? Any farther northside riders want to ride there, please message me. Alex, or someone, should we create an event so we can share wider? 

alex said:

The family is having a ceremony tonight at the site of the accident at 11:50 if anyone wants to join. The family would really like some support from fellow cyclists if anyone has the chance to attend it would be great

Event is up. Please feel free to share with northside massers. Hopefully we can get a group after your ride
Julie said she could also get into C-link newsletter. Thanks Julie!

Hello all, I'm a friend of Hector's and first off, thank you for your support. It really means a lot. The ghostbike was put by his closest friends two days after the tragedy. This was the immediate way we copped with our friend's loss and it was done cooperatively with what he had around. This is the only tangible place we have to honor Hector and it means a whole lot us. This coming Silent Ride on Wednesday will honor my friend with stop on the route. There were mentions about gifting a potential ghostbike on here and I would like to ask if the offer still stands. I am interested in updating Hector's memorial site. Thank you again.

I went by Hector's ghost bike at about 1:00 pm today (5/18). I thought it looked pretty good. Is there a specific change that his family would like to see?

h' 1.0 said:

Hi Anel,

Sorry about your friend!

Are you saying Hector's bike is no longer there?

I'm giving this a bump to remind all of us of his story. The case has come up to an important decision and our help and presence is requested for the trial on August 20:


If you want to organize a ride (car or bike) down to the courthouse, please respond to the event. Thanks for your help. 


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