Ever wonder what all those sailboats are up to out there on the Lake? There's one way to find out. I need a few enthusiastic souls to help me race my sailboat this summer. More info on my website, and some pics over here.

So, why bring this up on a cycling forum? You guys are made for sailing, I swear. Get a thrill riding in traffic? Just wait until you see the chaos of a 20 boat fleet 30 seconds before the starting gun. Need to tone those arms while resting those cycling legs? Then grind that line in. Enjoy riding 3-4 seasons in Chicago?  Good. Sometimes we get 3-4 seasons in one race.  Ride brakeless?  We don't have brakes on sailboats, either (and Truant weighs 4 tons). And the Lake Front Path goes right by Monroe Harbor, where we are moored.

Drop me a note if you want to know more.


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koala - perfect ! (think summer)

I spent 12 days on a 46 ft Catamaran (Jaguar) last April with 5 other guys in the Virgin Islands
(USVI and BVI). I would love to sail with you this summer. I sailed a lot with my dad and his
PhD candidate buddies too (they would go out and sail and fish and bitch about their advisor !)

are you looking to day sail or overnights ? (I am open to either)

Hmmm...I'm curious. This is a blast from the past for me. I could actually dig out my old sailing shoes and put them to use. Used to do some racing on a Stiletto 30, J29, and J33, after learning on FJs and Lasers in college.
I would be more then ready and dedicated for a sailing team. I have experience with knots and the water, though not much real world experience with sailing. If you want me I'm in. :)
I'll join! I've sailed a handful of times on lake mich., loved it, and have been wanting to join a crew.
this is awesome, walter!

looks like you'll have plenty of help racing this summer already. but if you're ever short a crew member, let me know. minimal sailing experience on lazers only.
Wow, what a great response. Thanks!

I'll have to figure out how to communicate with you all as a group. In the meantime, a few more answers to some of the questions.

Most of the time we will stay within a few miles of the Chicago shoreline. I plan on three regattas involving overnights (Chicago-Waukegan, Chicago-Michigan City, and the Tri-State (Chicago-St. Joseph-Michigan City-Chicago)). My boat will not be sailing in the Mac this year, but I haven't ruled out trying to get on someone else's boat for the experience. I'm also tinkering with the idea of sailing the Hook (same weekend as the Mac, but about a third of the length).

Our first outings of the year are invariably for practice. So we can knock the rust off or teach the basics then.

Rarely is a skipper cursed with having too many crew available. Happens only twice a year, the Mac and the Tri-State (everybody wants to do those races). And we do mix and match crew to help out boats who are light on crew, especially on Wednesday night races.

Anne, Truant is a blast from the past, and is a contemporary of the J29. Basically, its like a J30, but with the masthead rig from a J29. But built in Holland, MI!
I've been wanting to do this for a long time now. I don't have any experience but I am quick to learn. Keep me informend and I will be there.

I'll have to figure out how to communicate with you all as a group. In the meantime, a few more answers to some of the questions.

Hmmmmmm lessee : this should be easy - how about a group ? BikeSailors, etc ?
hey man im interested in this if you havent found enough people already. i grew up around water (dads a fisherman, uncle sails) i moved to chicago and am currently a messenger (brakeless) but ive always been interested in sailing, open for any job just want to be on the water, in it for the experience.

daniel brown said:

I'll have to figure out how to communicate with you all as a group. In the meantime, a few more answers to some of the questions.

Hmmmmmm lessee : this should be easy - how about a group ? BikeSailors, etc ?
hey man, just another willing sailor. i havent sailed since i was a kid in boyscouts but i did get my sailing badge( yeah i know thats dorky but so what haha). I would definately be interested
Hi, You have realized what I've known for some time (being 39) , yes cyclists and sailors can likely be the same breed. At least in My case I know I find the oneness with nature along with the rush of danger and sometimes competition to bring Me great peace. I've sailed out of Montrose as a child plenty, sailed small craft on My own a bit and have always rode bikes a lot. I would be interested in sailing with You, let Me know...
I propose we start a group within CL called 'Bike Pirates' arrrrgggghhhhh !!!!


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