Longtail/cargo bike riding Chainlinkers? How about an all cargo-bike ride sometime?

Now that I'm getting close to finishing my Xtracycle build, I'm itching to get out and ride it of course but I'm also eager to meet and converse with other folks who own one of these most wonderous of all two-wheeled machines, a cargo bike. There is a guy who rides a green Yuba Mundo who I often see riding on the LFP in the afternoons on the way home from work. He's usually heading north and we pass usually anywhere between the Chess Pavilion and Navy Pier. Once I passed a gent riding an Xtracycle Radish when I was heading north into work one morning. That was south of the skate park near 35th street. Finally, I talked to a couple guys back during Septembers Critical Mass. If I remember correctly, they both were riding the Trek cargo bikes, but I ran into them at different points in the evening. Anyway, I'm curious as to how many folks on C-link have cargo bikes, longtail or otherwise. Also, I'm thinking it'd be kinda cool to have a cargo bike round up of sorts. Maybe a ride where a bunch of folks all posse-up and ride somewhere for a beer.

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I've got one of the Trek cargo bikes -- the Transport -- and really like it.  That being said, I don't know about taking it out for a pleasure ride.  Love it for getting groceries, and for hauling kids and stuff to the park and beach, but my other bikes are much more *fun* for a longer pleasure ride.

Could be.  People loving to ride their bikes is always good.  When choosing bikes for a century, however, I would much rather take my road bike than my cargo bike.  Unless I was hauling kids and groceries on the century, of course.  ;-)
kiltedcelt said:

Maybe longtail love is more of an Xtracycle/Big Dummy kinda thing. I've been going around the web learning more about longtails and meeting some other folks who ride mostly Xtracycles and Big Dummies. Most of these folks look to be having a blast with these bikes, doing centuries, trail riding, multi-day tours, all of that in addition to the mundane stuff like hauling groceries and kids.

Hey kiltedcelt: Keep an eye out on http://www.chicagocargo.org/ . There are periodic Cargo Bike Roll Call events and we will be planning more. 

We had one guy with a extracycle show up at the Weigh-In event.

What's up 

Our family utilizes two different types of cargo/long tails. Last week we made a family Costco run and picked up an 8ft Christmas tree all at the same time. We were quite a site to behold.

Once you go brooks, you gettin them looks. 

Also just got this origin8 integrated basket handlebar affair: 

There are a number of longtails up in Lincoln Square.  Also starting to see more boxbikes and even a few madsens.  We depend on our Yuba...my husband can haul 9-11 bags of groceries on it, as well as for hauling kids longer distances, or stuff to the beach, but I agree, we don't ride it just for fun.  We all prefer to ride our own bikes when just going somewhere around the neighborhood.

I dunno, I use mine as my daily rider, it's fine. 


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