Now that I have your attention, and you have stuffed yourself, and you have fallen asleep watching football, and you are back to the Chainlink, hie thee over to the fundraising page.  Just click on that link up there.

There is a lot of cool, bike-related stuff over on the fundraising page.  You can spend a couple of bucks or spend 2500 bucks or just about anywhere in between.  Maybe you can do some Christmas shopping without leaving the comfort of the couch or standing in stupid lines at stores.

You can definitely help Julie retool the Chainlink to do all of those things you said you wanted when you responded to the survey.  She does all this for nothing, you know, and we all get news, education, and entertainment for free on the Chainlink. And, greedy souls that we are, we want more!

So c'mon!  If you can't find the link at the top of the page, just click on this one:

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I exercised some of my incredible skill in arithmetic again.  We have over 8100 members.  There have been 107 donations.  If those who have not given anything yet donated a buck--A BUCK--we would meet the goal right now.  

Mike Keating said:

Shameless bump.

The Chainlink is awesome. Julie is awesome. I know it, you know it, you know that I know that you know it.

Please kick even even a few bucks to the cause. If every Chainlinker kicked in $5.00 we could blow the fundraising goal out of the water and have an even better Chainlink.

How about some of those 107 give their Top 3 Reasons for contributing and then letting us know here as well as on other social media?

With The Chainlink ...

  • I started British Bicyclists of Chicago.
  • I led the Two Brothers Camping Trip.
  • I met my future wife on the Pirogi Ride.

I support it! 
Would You?

All members should order a Chainlink T-Shirt so we can always recognize each other. I ordered mine.

I ordered the Chainlink poster yesterday and going to have it framed and put in my office.

Douglas Iverson said:

All members should order a Chainlink T-Shirt so we can always recognize each other. I ordered mine.

I am a newby and through the Chainlink I:

1) have met so many great people who share a love of cycling;

2) have learned about bicycles in general;

3) have learned of and participated in social rides and tours that contribute to my enjoyment of cycling (and have introduced me to so many great people who share a love of cycling.

Long live and prosper the Chainlink!

With The Chainlink...

I've enjoyed some incredibly scenic rides around Michigan, Indiana, and even the Chicago burbs. 

I was able to help a cyclist when I saw him get hit by a car because what to do after crash is a popular discussion in the forum.  

I've become a better and safer rider around Chicago from reading the tricks, tips, and even mishaps from others. 

I've learned how things are changing in Chicagoland because all the news continuously trickles into this one source.  Bike shops opening, a new race track, better lanes, more tours and races, city investment and the hottest advocacy campaigns all add up to painting a very broad picture.  In addition to the breaking stories, so many people weigh in to discuss that we get an ongoing look at the ripple effects of these changes.  So I've gained perspective on Chicago's potential to be a great city. 

Okay, that was four reasons :) 

globalguy said:

How about some of those 107 give their Top 3 Reasons for contributing and then letting us know here as well as on other social media?

With The Chainlink ...

  • I started British Bicyclists of Chicago.
  • I led the Two Brothers Camping Trip.
  • I met my future wife on the Pirogi Ride.

I support it! 
Would You?

I like all four reasons!

We don't ride alone no matter who else is on the road.

To start, With The Chainlink I....

learned how to clean grease off my favorite jerseys

learned to bike in winter

learned how to clip in

made some of my best friends

had some nice love affairs (hee hee)

Hey! MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS!  Look at the top of the page.

And a really big thank you to Mike Keating.

$132 more from all of you will bring the total given today to $500 and Illinois Bicycle Lawyers will give match it bringing the total raised to $10,000!!!!!!


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