My daughter has ridden this bike less than 50 miles total even though the bike is a couple years old. It has lived in the pictured spot during that time until making a recent move to my garage. Not pictured, but included, is a wicker basket that attaches to the front handlebar. The bracket is visible in the picture. The basket had been a bike warming gift from dad. The bike has a coaster brake and a single handbrake. There is an internal Shimano Nexus 3. She is tiny, 4'11" and the frame is the smallest they make. It fits but she thinks its too heavy to carry up and down the stairs in her apartment. Its a beauty and it needs a home.
Well, I thought I would bump this. The bike has been living in my basement while my daughter rode another bike. That bike, although small, has a horizontal top tube and is too high for her to stand over when she stops. She is still looking to sell and/or trade. This bike is lovely but it is too heavy for her to get downstairs. It's owner who inherited her lack of height from her vertically challenged parents is looking for a lighter bike that has either a step through or an angled top tube. If anybody thinks they have a such a bike to sell, post here or send a pm. She will be making the rounds of the local shops looking to sell, buy and/or trade.
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