Please take this short online survey by IDOT to show your support for bicycling and public transit, and to help shift their focus off of building endless new highways and expressways:


IDOT survey (orange button)

Views: 742

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Did it!
Done. What a sloppily created survey. I guess they never heard of survey monkey
I did it but they asked the same question twice. It's like those personality tests where they ask you the same question in different forms. Annoying but if it helps with mass transit and bike lanes.
Voted early. Voted often. Dis is Chicagah, after all!
I deed it
It's also a very biased survey. Question 4 is about congestion. It has two answers: more roads or wider roads.
How about public transit as an option to congestion?
For that questions I answered wider roads, and then clarified under the question that I wanted wider roads to allow for dedicated bike lanes. ;-)

Duppie said:
It's also a very biased survey. Question 4 is about congestion. It has two answers: more roads or wider roads.
How about public transit as an option to congestion?

I left some unanswered. But hey dat's Chicaga!

Duppie said:

It's also a very biased survey. Question 4 is about congestion. It has two answers: more roads or wider roads.
How about public transit as an option to congestion?


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