The News Corner:

Bike Jacking in Lakeview

For the full article:

Cyclist in Lakeview Robbed of his Bicycle

"A bicyclist was knocked in the head and robbed of his bike in the heart of Lakeview on Sunday afternoon, police said. The victim told police that he was on his bike near the intersection of Addison and Racine when the offender knocked him in the head, pushed him to the ground, and stole his green Trek mountain bike around 3:40 p.m."

The cyclist was treated for his injuries at Illinois Masonic Hospital and released.

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You see people?!  This is why we need The Purge.

There is also a similar unrelated story today regarding the same type of activity on r/chibike titled 'PSA Warning/Bike Punchers'. (unable to link)
Caution: Cyclists be aware.This type of 'thing' seem to be making a comeback in Chicago.

I wonder  if  it is  time  to  get  one  of these things and rig it to the handlebar.


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