The lakefront path is virtually unridable 

Police standing at entrance to Montrose/Foster telling drivers it's full and closed so drivers are of course using the path as an extension of Lakeshore drive 

Hopefully Rosa does something about it before it turns into 31st street with people getting killed because vehicles are allowed everywhere 

Be safe out there 3 days left

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Who is Rosa?

Rosa Escareno the new CEO of Chicago Parks 

The one trying to turn the parks into private property 

Completely unqualified just another lifelong city employee 

She took over after sexual harassment claims were ignored by the previous CEO 

She's now ignoring the fact that cars motorcycles ATV's are driving and parking all over but on a positive note if you want to buy a $7 bottle of Gatorade there's plenty of places to do that 

Last nights Critical mass ride ended at 12th street 

Nice quiet spot away from Lakeshore drive

Small stage for new bands and one hit wonder 90's bands 

Thought it would be cool to ride out to the South end and see Indiana at night but instead it's fenced off for 4,000 people to see a band with 3 good songs 

120 acres of a man made nature/bird sanctuary closed off to the public 

But the sleeping birds like thumping drum beats so there's that


I've been e mailing Rosa and Chicago parks for months to no avail 

Instead they're doubling down by completely blocking paths creating choke points conflict crossings and having park district vehicles on as much of the path as possible 

They want us to leave so they can turn the path into a shopping mall 

Trust me try riding South of Fullerton to Museum Campus 

We also have a new menace called pedi cabs nearly got creamed by one near Randolph 

Lollapalooza should be great for this behavior 


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