Lakefront Bike Path south of 31st Street north of 47th street

I was attacked last night on the bike path.  Fortunately I escaped. Basically as I was riding my road bike southbound, I had passed the new harbor at 31st, on the path at approximately 10PM I saw a large group of people. I turned on my hand held flashlight, a very very bright light and they all scattered. Once I past a couple of people they all then moved in and WHACK I was hit with something big and hard on the shoulder.  Had it hit my head, arm or wheel it would have knocked me over and the beating would begin.  I rode on, called the police and waited. after a bit of time passed I could see 10 of the mob in the group attempt to surround me. I fled again, called the police and filed a report.  I am one lucky guy!

If I would have hit the ground i'm sure they would have beaten me to a pulp.  I will ride again, just not solo on the south side at night.


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Damn! This will force me to rethink "the element of surprise."

Craig S. said:


I always assume everyone is hostile, sometimes even the groups I'm riding with.....

Seriously, ever get between Iggy and his wings before?  

Cameron Puetz said:


You must have a lot more faith in our mutual friends than I do.

Craig S. said:

sometimes even the groups I'm riding with.....

I rode through a dark group like this in that area last summer.  No-one attacked me, but I was heading north to meet my husband, and I went back through the same area about 15 minutes later, after we met.  Or we tried to go through the same area.  We got stopped by the police, because someone else had gotten mugged.

Ugh.  We ride this path alot in summer evenings, with kids.  I don't like the idea of just giving it up to criminals.  It only gets more dangerous when people avoid it.  But it's a no-win situation.  We need more police presence in that area.  And more lights.

The LFP is park of the park district right? Don't parks close at sunset? Maybe there's a reason for that.

It closes at 11 pm.

This is also my concern with the someday-built Bloomingdale Trail/Path.  Looks like a good place to get mugged/assaulted with the limited entrance/exit points -especially in the evening.

Bum trap.

It closes at 11pm but despite that it's one of the most convenient ways to get from anywhere near the loop to hyde park.  Besides, do you think it'll be much safer biking down king drive at 1am?

El Guicho said:

The LFP is park of the park district right? Don't parks close at sunset? Maybe there's a reason for that.

Traditionally, police haven't necessarily enforced the park closing time for those riding through for transportation, just for loitering - at least that's how it was several years ago.  I don't know if that's changed in the last few years. 

S said:

It closes at 11pm but despite that it's one of the most convenient ways to get from anywhere near the loop to hyde park.  Besides, do you think it'll be much safer biking down king drive at 1am?

El Guicho said:

The LFP is park of the park district right? Don't parks close at sunset? Maybe there's a reason for that.

Drexel Blvd (from Hyde Park Blvd to Oakwood) is much better than MLK and Cottage Grove.

S said:

It closes at 11pm but despite that it's one of the most convenient ways to get from anywhere near the loop to hyde park.  Besides, do you think it'll be much safer biking down king drive at 1am?

El Guicho said:

The LFP is park of the park district right? Don't parks close at sunset? Maybe there's a reason for that.

Yeah, but coming from the Loop, late at night, the LFP is hands-down the easiest way (particularly if you live in East Hyde Park, right off the lake).  

I've been thinking about incorporating interval work on my commutes.  This situation may just be the motivation I need. 
MagMileMarauder said:

Drexel Blvd (from Hyde Park Blvd to Oakwood) is much better than MLK and Cottage Grove.

S said:

It closes at 11pm but despite that it's one of the most convenient ways to get from anywhere near the loop to hyde park.  Besides, do you think it'll be much safer biking down king drive at 1am?

El Guicho said:

The LFP is park of the park district right? Don't parks close at sunset? Maybe there's a reason for that.

The police actually have used undercover officers to deal with assaults on the LFT on the south side in the past and this tactic has been effective. There also are some police cameras on the LFT between McCormick Place and 31st Street, but I do not believe that they are in place south of 31st Street. The ones that are in place were a response to some assaults in that area.

Calling 911 to report any hostile occurrence is essential as it is through that reporting mechanism that the police respond with increased uniformed patrols and consider other strategies to keep the Trial safe for all users.


For those who are skeptical about the effectiveness of calling 911, this is a good argument in favor of calling, even if the offenders aren't caught.  If the police are not aware that a problem is happening and exactly where and how often it's happening, they can't respond to it. 

Please DO call and report incidents.

Randy Warren said:

The police actually have used undercover officers to deal with assaults on the LFT on the south side in the past and this tactic has been effective. There also are some police cameras on the LFT between McCormick Place and 31st Street, but I do not believe that they are in place south of 31st Street. The ones that are in place were a response to some assaults in that area.

Calling 911 to report any hostile occurrence is essential as it is through that reporting mechanism that the police respond with increased uniformed patrols and consider other strategies to keep the Trial safe for all users.



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