Lake MXZ303 clipless pedal compatible winter boots $120 size US 11/Eur48

Selling a pair of lightly used Lake MXZ 303 SPD compatible mountain bike boots. Aside from 45Nrth, these are probably the warmest, best-made mountain bike boots you can buy. Regularly sell for $260-$300. I wore these about two to three months total over two separate winters. Injuries kept me off the bike a lot so these never really got much use and I've since gone exclusively to platform pedals so it's time to get these out of the closet. They're all leather uppers with Aerogel insoles, and Vibram soles. The only substantial wear is to the toe stud caps which I never used, that that's only because I used these solely for commuting and not off-road riding. The 303 logos aren't very durable and so show some wear even though the boots really didn't get much use. I treated them with leather conditioner both times before I stored them for the summer in the original box. I wear US size 11 to 11.5 and feel these were a pretty good fit. I was able to wear thick mountaineering socks with them and they seemed to keep my feet pretty warm down into the teens. I think if you were a 10.5 they might even be a better fit because they would really allow better layering with socks. Anyway, they're no use to me anymore so I need them out of the closet - $120 cash out the door. No delivery.

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I wear a 10.5 and am interested to see how they fit me, as I'd like a pair of high-top winter boots. I could potentially meet you in Hyde Park on my way home from work one day, or else drive and meet you some other time.

Any time after 6:30-7:00 is good most nights, or alternatively I'm currently off on Fri /Sat, so I'm home all day on those days. And new a friends request and we can exchange emails and puffins numbers and such. 


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